
Who wants an ARC of FATEFUL?

It’s been a while since I updated this blog — sorry about that — but when you’re touring for the release of AFTERLIFE, it’s tough to do all the other fun stuff too. And now that AFTERLIFE is out there in your hot little hands (at least, in several countries so far), it’s time to start promoting FATEFUL!

(FATEFUL, for those of you new to the program, is the book about werewolves on the Titanic, or as the working title had it, YES, ACTUALLY, THE SITUATION CAN GET WORSE.)

I just got my ARCs, and that means I have five copies to give away to you guys. Yes, it’s contest time again!


The rules:

1) Send an email to evernightclaudia at gmail dot com with the subject line “FATEFUL ARC Contest” or similar.

2) In this email, tell me your favorite bit of trivia or history about the Titanic. (Yes, copping info from Wikipedia is fair game, but I will be interested to see what you guys come up with!)

3) Also in this email, include a name and address I can use to send your book to you if you win.

4) Do all this before Thursday, May 19, when I’ll pick five winners at random. (I’m allowing extra time for this because I know lots of people will want in on it and I want to give them the chance — plus my travels haven’t ended yet.)

Good luck to everyone!

In other news, I am so watching every second of the Royal Wedding. I watched Charles and Di as a wee thing and I’m not going to miss this one either. I want to be an old crone watching the inevitable Wills/Kate spawn get married someday, when it’s all broadcast in 3D with interactive monarchy holograms or whatever. Yes, it’s silly and doesn’t actually matter but it’s SOMETHING NICE ALL HUMANITY CAN DO TOGETHER, so let’s just relax and enjoy commenting on the dress, okay?


VACATIONS FROM HELL contest winners!

And who are the many, many lucky winners of autographed copies of VACATIONS FROM HELL? First, the Aussies! Congrats to Kamsajini T., Ashling H., Stacey B., Terril-Lee F., and Millie T.! But there’s lots more of you, too: Way to go, Amy C., Gina L., Lea K., Elizabeth K., Jamie T., Nicole B., Laurel F., Ala T., Angela L., and Dawn D.! Hope all of you enjoy your copies and all the paranormal stories within.

I just returned from New York City, where I met with my publishers to talk about all the good stuff coming up, mostly about FATEFUL in the fall (when werewolves meet the Titanic, the fun never ends), a little about BALTHAZAR (who wants to guess what color his cover is going to be?) but also about the release of AFTERLIFE … which is only six weeks from today. Actually, I’m getting this posted after midnight, aren’t I? So five weeks and six days from today. Leading up to AFTERLIFE’s release, I’m going to be having tons more contests, interviews and fun stuff, so stay tuned.

But we’re going to start tomorrow, because it’s after midnight, and I’m just so grateful not to be on a plane. 😀

appearances contests tour

ETERNAL contest winners announced!

Congrats to Royce Anne V., Kimberly S., and Patrycja R! Each of them will be receiving a signed copy of the vampire romance anthology ETERNAL.

This was one of my favorite contests — your answers were really ingenious, and all the EVERNIGHT characters would be touched by how thoughtful you guys were. Kimberly feels that Bianca needs a new pair of tennis shoes, considering all the running around she has to do. Royce Anne would give Ranulf the HUNGER GAMES trilogy boxed set, because she thinks his take would be interesting (you and me both!) Patrycja plans to go the extra mile and hand-make a tie-dyed T-shirt for Vic, which he would appreciate very much.

Because I’ve seen a lot of questions on FB and Twitter lately, an update on what I’m working on now: AFTERLIFE is written, done, out there, getting printed; I hope to post an excerpt for you guys in the new year. FATEFUL (aka WEREWOLVES ON THE TITANIC) is written and edited, and will be making its debut on September 13. (That ship is always unlucky, isn’t it?) Currently I’m writing BALTHAZAR, about the life, death and subsequent adventures of one Mr. Balthazar More; although this novel is obviously connected to the EVERNIGHT series, it’s more of a stand-alone than a fifth book. (I consider Bianca and Lucas’ story complete with AFTERLIFE.)

And soon I will have many tour dates to announce! MANY. In March alone, I’ll be in Chicago, San Diego, Phoenix, Dallas, Raleigh, Minneapolis, and a city in Ohio to be designated later! I’ll also be attending Book Expo America in NYC this May, and the ALA conference in New Orleans this June. That doesn’t even get into the September tour dates for FATEFUL, which are still up in the air at present. I’ll post more event details as we get closer to the dates. Can’t wait to meet you guys there!