Congrats to the winner of THE IMPOSSIBLE KNIFE OF MEMORY by Laurie Halse Anderson, THE CLOCKWORK SCARAB by Colleen Gleason and SIX MONTHS LATER by Natalie D. Richards — way to go, Courtney W! But no sooner does one contest close than another begins …
Who wants to get their hands on ALL OUR YESTERDAYS, the time-travel adventure by Cristin Terrill? Or an ARC of NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE YOU by Kathleen Hale, which has been described as the YA version of “Fargo”? How about Sara B. Larson’s just-released fantasy novel DEFY? Somehow I sense that you do. How can you win?
1) Follow me on Twitter – or, if you already follow me on Twitter, tweet me there (or comment here) so that I know about it!
2) Make sure you also follow Kathleen Hale (@HaleKathleen), Sara B. Larson (@sarablarson) and Cristin Terrill (@cristinterrill) too. (You don’t have to tell them about it unless you want to.)
3) Let me know – again, whether on Twitter or here at the blog – what interests you about each of these books. There will be three winners – one for each book! – so you need to give separate reasons for why you’d like each one. But surely you have so many reasons that this will be no burden.
4) Do these things by Wednesday, January 29, when I’ll pick three winners! (Or I suppose it’s possible you could win more than once, though you’d have to be very lucky.)
(This time – both NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE YOU and DEFY are open to international entries, from anywhere in the world! I’m afraid ALL OUR YESTERDAYS is US-only.)
I look forward to finding out what interests you about these books – and telling you more about why I love them – in the next few days. So let’s get this started. 😀
And don’t forget … it’s just about six weeks until STEADFAST!
23 replies on “A contest is won, but another contest begins –”
AH! cannot wait for Steadfast!
And I would love to enter for Defy because it is AWESOME. I followed all of y’all on twitter 🙂
Thanks so much! You are entered. 😀
Hi! My twitter handle is @annemowreds! 😀 I would really want to win a copy of Defy by Sara B. Larson because of its synopsis. It gives me Graceling and Throne of Glass feels and I love Graceling and Throne of Glass, which is why it would be so awesome to win a copy of Defy! 🙂
Oooh, another GRACELING fan. Wasn’t that the best book?
And you are entered!
I would love to win a copy of NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE YOU. It gives the feeling of PLL (an entertaining black comedy/murder mystery) and I just love the cover and the name (it just calls my name).
Isn’t the cover incredible? Seriously, I think NOECHY has one of my all-time favorite YA covers. Maybe just all-time favorites, period.
You’re entered!
I love everything about reading, and I hope to win this books. its because im running low on good stories to read, if not its cool. Good luck to everyone
We can’t let you run low on good stories. Do you want to enter for one book in particular or any of the three?
I read about Defy on Free Book Friday and it seems like something that I would like to read. I’ve never read it before so I would like to read it and add it to my book collection.
Fantastic, Brianna – you’re entered!
I followed you on Twitter! (@Bookbrews)
~ NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE YOU: I want to read it because it sounds like a good mystery read! I saw a post on the alternate names for various places in the book on EpicReads, and they were pretty funny. 😀
~ DEFY: I’m a sucker for a fantasy book. I need to read more! This one sounds right up my alley.
~ ALL OUR YESTERDAYS: I have been wanting to read this book. I haven’t picked it up yet. Time-travel done right? (!) Major yes!!!
Way to go, Darith – you’re entered for all three!
I want No One Else Can Have You because THAT COVER. Enough said.
I’ll love to win Defy because there are tons of potential for Mulan moments (even though I head there won’t be any D:) and I LOVE reading cross-dressing books. Ha ha, that makes me sound SO weird.
And I already read and own All Our Yesterdays and LOVED it. ;D
I followed all you guys on twitter; my handle is @whatisakelly.
Excellent, Kelly – you are now entered!
I followed all of you awesome authors on Twitter as @TopsyTurvy_Ash!
I really want to win Defy because I can’t resist a good fantasy and a cover like that!
And I’m dying to get my hands on No One Else Can Have You because I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews for that book! Can’t say no to a good, blood curling thriller!
Err, I meant bloodcurdling not curling…:D
I think blood-curling would be a fascinating Olympic sport. You’re entered!
All of these books are highly recommended by the blogs I follow but more specifically, I’m interested in No One Else Can Have You because of the murder mystery and because I’ve heard it has a lot of irony and dark humor which I tend to love, Defy because I love the idea of a girl pretending to be a guy and the love triangle sounds really good(moody prince vs. fellow guard! Who to choose!), and All Our Yesterdays because TIME TRAVEL which is one of the coolest things ever!!!
I’m following everyone! @KathyLynnFrank
Awesome, Kathy! You’re entered!
I want ALL OUR YESTERDAYS,I did read a lot of good reviews 😀
You got it, Ella!
I already follow you on Twitter :)!!! I would like a copy of All Our Yesterdays because I have heard tons of good things about it. Also I already have copies of the other two books and they are both great!!!!
Way to go, already having the other two books! You are entered for ALL OUR YESTERDAYS. 😀