
A little late, here comes AUTUMN GIVEAWAY EXTRAVAGANZA Contest #8!

If I completely blank out on a contest deadline again, you guys feel free to nudge me via Twitter, okay? But I have at last found the winners of Contest #7 — Congrats to Jennifer K., April X. and Tiffany H.! At least one of this winners chose the option “Surprise me,” so I won’t specify who gets what, but THE DUFF, I AM NUMBER FOUR and MATCHED are all on their way to one of these fabulous winners.

Only three more contests to go in the Extravaganza: Ready for Contest #8?

Our prizes this time? One fabulous book that’s already out and you must have, and one ARC for a hot December release.

First up — WICKED GIRLS, by Stephanie Hemphill from right here in Chicagoland. It’s based on the true story of the very first supernatural scare in the United States … the Salem Witch Trials. Lies, delusion, hallucinogenics, religious fanaticism, genuine dark magic, hysteria: They all have roles in this story, told in an original, part letter, part poetry style. Looking for something paranormal but definitely different? This is for you.

Then — the ARC of INVISIBLE THINGS by Jenny Davidson. 16-year-old Sophie has lost her parents, and she suspects there’s more to the story of the deaths than she’s been told. Who can help her learn the truth better than Mikael, her long-time best friend who is on the verge of becoming more than just a friend. But their quest involves taking on the resources and secrets of one of the world’s most famous, powerful and mysterious men. Bonus: This is another historical, so fresh and dynamic you’ll swear it’s happening right now.

Want to win? Then check out the contest rules:

1) Email me at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com, and include a name and address I can use to mail your prize if you win.

2) Tell me which one of the boks you’re interested, or say “surprise me!”

3) And maybe share a bit about which historical period you find most interesting!

4) Do all this before Sunday, October 24, when I’ll pick the winners (and I won’t run late this time.)

Good luck, get set, and go!

If I completely blank out on a contest deadline again, you guys feel free to nudge me via Twitter, okay? But I have at last found the winners of Contest #7 — Congrats to Jennifer K., April X. and Tiffany H.! At least one of this winners chose the option “Surprise me,” so I won’t specify who gets what, but THE DUFF, I AM NUMBER FOUR and MATCHED are all on their way to one of these fabulous winners.

Only three more contests to go in the Extravaganza: Ready for Contest #8?

Our prizes this time? One fabulous book that’s already out and you must have, and one ARC for a hot December release.

First up — WICKED GIRLS, by Stephanie Hemphill from right here in Chicagoland. It’s based on the true story of the very first supernatural scare in the United States … the Salem Witch Trials. Lies, delusion, hallucinogenics, religious fanaticism, genuine dark magic, hysteria: They all have roles in this story, told in an original, part letter, part poetry style. Looking for something paranormal but definitely different? This is for you.

Then — the ARC of INVISIBLE THINGS by Jenny Davidson. 16-year-old Sophie has lost her parents, and she suspects there’s more to the story of the deaths than she’s been told. Who can help her learn the truth better than Mikael, her long-time best friend who is on the verge of becoming more than just a friend. But their quest involves taking on the resources and secrets of one of the world’s most famous, powerful and mysterious men. Bonus: This is another historical, so fresh and dynamic you’ll swear it’s happening right now.

Want to win? Then check out the contest rules:

1) Email me at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com, and include a name and address I can use to mail your prize if you win.

2) Tell me which one of the boks you’re interested, or say “surprise me!”

3) And maybe share a bit about which historical period you find most interesting!

4) Do all this before Sunday, October 24, when I’ll pick the winners (and I won’t run late this time.)

Good luck, get set, and go!

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