livejournal entry

An important new chapter in vampire mythology begins

— brought to us by the genius at Dinosaur Comics.


Thanks for the good-health wishes, all. Though I am still under the weather, I think I am finally beginning to get over this rotten cold.

10 replies on “An important new chapter in vampire mythology begins”

Hahaha! That’s hilarious!

Lets hope so you’re getting over it. I’m still fighting mine for about a week now! The congestion is the worst, I have no sense of smell! Which can be a good thing at work but still!

Hahaha! That’s hilarious!

Lets hope so you’re getting over it. I’m still fighting mine for about a week now! The congestion is the worst, I have no sense of smell! Which can be a good thing at work but still!

OMG why is Evernight NOT a movie!!??
This is absolutely my favorite book in the world, hurry with the second one please!

OMG why is Evernight NOT a movie!!??
This is absolutely my favorite book in the world, hurry with the second one please!



Thank you so much for Evernight! a friend got me the book for christmas — i read it all in one sitting yesterday – thats how awesome it is. i loved it, it was exactly what i’ve been needing to read, and it wasn’t anything i expected it to be. completely and utterly engaging and wonderful. can’t wait for Stargazer! 😀 HAPPY CHRISTMAS! 😀



Thank you so much for Evernight! a friend got me the book for christmas — i read it all in one sitting yesterday – thats how awesome it is. i loved it, it was exactly what i’ve been needing to read, and it wasn’t anything i expected it to be. completely and utterly engaging and wonderful. can’t wait for Stargazer! 😀 HAPPY CHRISTMAS! 😀

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