
Australian box set giveaway!

OK, enough of you were interested in the Australian box set (paperbacks of EVERNIGHT, STARGAZER and HOURGLASS all together for you) that I’m going to do a giveaway! I have nine copies of the box set, for nine lucky winners; I’ll autograph each box set. How do you enter?

1) Send me an email at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com, with the header “Australian Box Set Contest” or something similar.

2) Include a name and address I can use to ship your box set if you win! (This contest is open to readers worldwide except in Australia — because you are the lucky guys who can already get the box set on your own! Don’t worry; I’ll get you Aussies on our next contest.)

3) In this email, tell me what you’ll do with your box set! (Give it away? Keep it and give away your old copies? Have a hard copy instead of just your ebooks? I want to know!)

4) Do all these things before Monday, January 17, when I’ll pick the nine lucky winners!

Good luck, everybody!


I hope to soon start offering some more interviews — and there will be more contests — but right now, I’m on deadline with BALTHAZAR. So bear with me while I finish up, and keep watching the blog!

And for those of you interested in “The Artist’s Way”: I’m definitely going to do this, and blog about it, for the 12 weeks beginning the final day of January. All you need to do is get a copy of the book (available throughout the US at least, and I’m guessing internationally too; you can find it in most bookstores, new or used, online, or at your local library) and follow along with us!

OK, enough of you were interested in the Australian box set (paperbacks of EVERNIGHT, STARGAZER and HOURGLASS all together for you) that I’m going to do a giveaway! I have nine copies of the box set, for nine lucky winners; I’ll autograph each box set. How do you enter?

1) Send me an email at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com, with the header “Australian Box Set Contest” or something similar.

2) Include a name and address I can use to ship your box set if you win! (This contest is open to readers worldwide except in Australia — because you are the lucky guys who can already get the box set on your own! Don’t worry; I’ll get you Aussies on our next contest.)

3) In this email, tell me what you’ll do with your box set! (Give it away? Keep it and give away your old copies? Have a hard copy instead of just your ebooks? I want to know!)

4) Do all these things before Monday, January 17, when I’ll pick the nine lucky winners!

Good luck, everybody!


I hope to soon start offering some more interviews — and there will be more contests — but right now, I’m on deadline with BALTHAZAR. So bear with me while I finish up, and keep watching the blog!

And for those of you interested in “The Artist’s Way”: I’m definitely going to do this, and blog about it, for the 12 weeks beginning the final day of January. All you need to do is get a copy of the book (available throughout the US at least, and I’m guessing internationally too; you can find it in most bookstores, new or used, online, or at your local library) and follow along with us!

11 replies on “Australian box set giveaway!”

This is an amazing contest, and I hope I win! I really enjoy the Evernight series! Can’t wait to see what happens in the next book.

I actually haven’t read these books yet but the descriptions sound intriguing. If I were to win a set, I would of course read it and since I’m a good book hoarder, I would add it to my mini library and would very likely lend it out to my friends interested in this genre, maybe even a few who aren’t if it’s really good. 🙂

Uhmmmm helloooo?! How come nobody has commented yet on this amazing contest?!
I am emailing you STAT! Would love to get my hands on the box set!! Thanks for such an awesome opportunity!

I hope I win this contest!! I really do!!
Thanks, Claudia, for giving us an opportunity of winning a box set of Evernight!! 🙂

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