livejournal entry

Congrats to the winners of the YA Scavenger Hunt extra giveaway!

The three lucky winners are Monica, Yun-A and Quintana! Way to go, you guys. Thanks for being a part of the YA Scavenger Hunt. More thanks go out to absolutely everyone who took part. 😀

Now I’m on to finalizing the outline for the second book in the Firebird trilogy, the follow-up to A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU. No title yet – A THOUSAND something OF something, I would imagine. But soooooo many fun things just waiting to be written …


The YA Scavenger Hunt IS ON!

Welcome, all of you taking part in the spring 2014 YA Scavenger Hunt! Read on … 

appearances livejournal entry

“Going to Kansas City, gonna bring my baby back home, oh yeah – “

OK, the part of the song about bringing my baby back home is not true. Also, technically, I will be in Independence, MO, instead of KC. But if you live in that area, I’m headed your way!


contests livejournal entry

The STEADFAST launch contest winners!

The grand-prize winner of the STEADFAST launch contest is … drum roll please …


blog tour contests livejournal entry

STEADFAST’s launch! Let me explain. No, it will take too long. Let me sum up.

(You guys know what movie the blog title is from, right?)

STEADFAST is out in the wild, roaming free!  The second book in the SPELLCASTER trilogy made its debut Tuesday — Mardi Gras — which meant I got to celebrate by wearing a glitter top hat. (I mean, I would probably have worn that anyway, but Mardi Gras allowed me to do so in public without anyone blinking twice.) So you only have until this Tuesday to get in on the contest fun — 


Behold the STEADFAST book preview and blog tour in all their glory!

Yes, we’re at just over one week until STEADFAST comes out, which means the fun has finally begun:


blog tour livejournal entry signings

Get ready for the STEADFAST blog tour!

We are at just under two weeks until STEADFAST hits bookstores.* That means it’s time for a blog tour, put together by the very awesome Jaime of Two Chicks on Books! Want to see the schedule? 

blog tour

New Anthology from Harlequin Teen: GRIM

Today marks the launch of the new Harlequin Teen anthology GRIM, in which many young adult authors (like Julie Kagawa, Malinda Lo, Jeri Smith-Ready, Saundra Mitchell, Kimberly Derting and yours truly) share our new takes on classic fairy tales. We have a terrific blog tour running this week and the next, so I thought I’d share some details about that, as well as my story. 

contests livejournal entry

STEADFAST is coming! Want to win swag?

It is now less than three weeks until STEADFAST makes its debut on March 4. (Unless you’re one of the lucky few who can come to the Feb. 21 Dark Days event here in New Orleans, where advance copies have been sighted in the wild.) If you have pre-ordered the book, are going to pre-order or plan to run out and get it that first week, you can be a winner. As in, you WILL be a winner, no matter what.

contests livejournal entry

Contest winners, upcoming events, and GET READY FOR STEADFAST

The winners of the last contest before we start the big countdown to STEADFAST are these lucky women: Yuliya, who gets INSOMNIA by J.R. Johannson; Tamara, who gets SEKRET by Lindsay Smith; and Becca, who gets PANIC by Lauren Oliver. Congrats one and all! More ARC contests will happen in the future, but not until after the big STEADFAST contest (starting tomorrow!) Right now, I want to talk about two upcoming appearances:Â