I’m just back from my incredible tour in the Philippines — seriously, huge thanks to everyone who welcomed me and Madeleine Roux, because that was tremendous. And now that I’ve returned, it’s time to look at some of the amazing stuff going on as we lead up to the Nov. 4 release of A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU!
Category: tour
I might be taking a break from traveling right now – but it’s a very short break. Right now I’m still working on a lot of potential stuff for the fall, but I already have two big appearances I’m excited to share with you guys —
Today, as I scroll through my Twitter, I see tons of my fellow authors talking about packing and departing for Book Expo America in NYC. When I lived in New York, I always got to go; now, I occasionally attend, but not always — and this year is one of the years off. Mostly this is because I only just returned home from the Feria del Libro in Buenos Aires a week ago, which involved about 12 hours of flying time on the way home, and if I got back in an airplane so soon I would probably lose it in some spectacular fashion that would regrettably but inevitably involve an air marshal. BEST AVOIDED.
I just got back from my first-ever publicity tour of Colombia, and WOW — what an amazing place, and what an incredible welcome! Thanks to every single fan who helped make my experiences in Bogota and Medellin so fantastic and unforgettable. The journey was absolutely spectacular start to finish, and all the events in each city were some of the best I’ve ever been a part of.
On to our next batch of winners! The contest was extended by one extra day, but the time has finally come: The winners of five ARCs of FATEFUL (aka, the story of werewolves on the Titanic) have been chosen! Congrats to Anna H., Jeahnelle W., Bettina Z., Carol T., and Rachel P.! Your copies will be going into the mail shortly, hopefully before I set off to New York City on Monday for Book Expo America.
Speaking of BEA! I’ll be doing my first-ever signing there this year, specifically this Tuesday, May 24 at 11:30 a.m. If you’re attending, you’ll be able to find me at Table 11, where I’ll be signing yet more copies of FATEFUL. Be there!
Congrats to Royce Anne V., Kimberly S., and Patrycja R! Each of them will be receiving a signed copy of the vampire romance anthology ETERNAL.
This was one of my favorite contests — your answers were really ingenious, and all the EVERNIGHT characters would be touched by how thoughtful you guys were. Kimberly feels that Bianca needs a new pair of tennis shoes, considering all the running around she has to do. Royce Anne would give Ranulf the HUNGER GAMES trilogy boxed set, because she thinks his take would be interesting (you and me both!) Patrycja plans to go the extra mile and hand-make a tie-dyed T-shirt for Vic, which he would appreciate very much.
Because I’ve seen a lot of questions on FB and Twitter lately, an update on what I’m working on now: AFTERLIFE is written, done, out there, getting printed; I hope to post an excerpt for you guys in the new year. FATEFUL (aka WEREWOLVES ON THE TITANIC) is written and edited, and will be making its debut on September 13. (That ship is always unlucky, isn’t it?) Currently I’m writing BALTHAZAR, about the life, death and subsequent adventures of one Mr. Balthazar More; although this novel is obviously connected to the EVERNIGHT series, it’s more of a stand-alone than a fifth book. (I consider Bianca and Lucas’ story complete with AFTERLIFE.)
And soon I will have many tour dates to announce! MANY. In March alone, I’ll be in Chicago, San Diego, Phoenix, Dallas, Raleigh, Minneapolis, and a city in Ohio to be designated later! I’ll also be attending Book Expo America in NYC this May, and the ALA conference in New Orleans this June. That doesn’t even get into the September tour dates for FATEFUL, which are still up in the air at present. I’ll post more event details as we get closer to the dates. Can’t wait to meet you guys there!
post-Australian tour updates
So, my hotel here in Adelaide doesn’t have wireless — WHY DOES THE GOD OF WIRELESS HATE ME — and I’m now typing this in a 24-hour-convenience store, between the prepaid mobile phones and men’s socks. This update must be swift!
1) Australian tour
Was amazing! So many of you came to the events in Brisbane, Morayfield and Melbourne, and more to the stock signings in Sydney and here in Adelaide yesterday. It was great meeting/signing for/answering questions for/denying having tasted Vegemite to each and every last one of you. I’m afraid that this is it for signings on this trip — the rest of my time in Australia will be of a touristy bent — but hopefully I can come back sometime and do this again.
2) Writing updates
AFTERLIFE = done, already in ARC form, out in the world.
FATEFUL (aka WEREWOLVES ON THE TITANIC) = first draft complete, undergoing revision
BALTHAZAR = still being outlined, will be written this fall
SPELLCASTER = patiently waiting its turn, but not for too much longer!
3) Next appearances
No firm schedule yet, but I’ll be doing a few appearances in Chicagoland in late September, and I’m trying to set up something for Vancouver in October and New Orleans in November. And you guys in Jackson, MS, know I’ll be at Lemuria the Monday before Thanksgiving, right?
Now I must sign off — time is expensive here at the convenience store —
late-breaking Adelaide details!
OK, people in Adelaide and neighboring environs, here are the bookstores I’m signing stock in next Monday. There are some in after-school hours, so hopefully a few of you can make it. I’ll basically be around the first half-hour of each hour, and while there will be no public signing set-up, if you ask the bookstore staff for me, I’ll be able to say hello and sign your copies of the books. (And as the bookstores have been so good as to agree to this, consider picking up a new book or two while you’re there!)
The schedule:
1-00pm Dymocks Adelaide – Rundle Mall
2-00pm A&R Norwood
3-00pm Dymocks Burnside
4-00pm A&R Edwardstown
5-00pm A&R Glenelg
There’s a signing in Morayfield tomorrow, then some Melbourne events on Saturday and Sunday; check my older blog posts for more details there. Tonight’s event at Dymocks Brisbane was absolutely brilliant — it was so great to meet and talk with so many of you! — and I hope the rest will be just as fun.
The chances of any further events/signings being scheduled at this point are fairly remote, so if I haven’t gotten to your neck of the woods this time, I’m truly sorry. But already I am hoping to be able to return to Australia; no way one month will be enough!
Down Under Lowdown
Is it really only my fourth day in Australia? Already I’m in Brisbane, the day after getting to meet some of you (and, in the case of one Jordana, talking to you on the phone) back in Sydney. You guys were right — the first Sydney event WAS canceled, and I’m sorry not to have been able to let you know. But I only found out after I arrived. Everything else looks like a go, though, so I hope to meet some of you today and tomorrow in Brisbane, and after that in Melbourne — and, yes, Adelaide, as you know if you’ve been following the tweets. We’re not doing a big event in Adelaide, but I will be stopping by some bookstores next Monday and can sign for you there. No set schedule yet, but I’ll try to post that tonight or tomorrow.
More Australia adventures to be had – will report!
First things first: We have a LOW RED MOON winner, who will be receiving an ARC of this awesome werewolf romance: Congratulations, Alejandra S.! It (along with a couple of slightly delayed prizes) goes in the mail tomorrow — just beating my trip to Australia.
The next ARC giveaways I do will have AFTERLIFE written all over them … but that’s got to wait until after my Australian tour. Some of you have been posting on Facebook about a canceled signing; all I can say is, I haven’t heard anything about it. It’s entirely possible that it has been canceled, but sometimes the author is the last to know. If you have any questions, don’t check with me; use the contact information from my blog posts or call your local bookseller. Hopefully all will be made clear.
In the mad rush to write more FATEFUL (my own werewolf romance aboard the Titanic), I haven’t had time for this before, but your answers to the questions about the EVERNIGHT characters’ personal demons were too good not to share. Here are some that I thought were really insightful:
Renee M. — I think the personal demons for Lucas are his inherent prejudice against vampires — and paranormal creatures, in general — despite his love for Bianca, which makes him so deliciously tortured and conflicted, and makes him take drastic measures for their love … Lucas also has this need to be the aggressor and in charge, so that he is never on the defensive, probably from his nontraditional upbringing with the Black Cross, making friendships and relationships difficult for him, so when they do happen — like with Dana and Bianca — they are that much more intense and special.
Sasha G. — I think a personal demon for Bianca is honoring who she is and what she is. She’s in love with Lucas, whose life revolves around killing her kind. She feels guilty for lying to everyone and might feel like she’s betraying her family and friends.
Kye S. — I think Mrs. Bethany has the most demons. There’s got to be a reason why she is hunting Wraiths … guilt for a past love perhaps, someone she loved but accidentally killed. She could also be jealous of Bianca’s parents because they have Bianca and she doesn’t have children or her children died long ago.
Britney W. — I think Dana is torn between who people want her to to be and who she is (probably not really knowing herself). Her personal demon could possibly be that she’s so busy trying to make other people happy that she forgets what makes her happy.
Anne S. — Bianca’s parents — did they do the right thing in keeping her origins a secret from her all these years? … They love her but could they accept her if she made a different choice than the one they have planned for her.
Ba D. — Constantly fighting with the demons of his past, Balthazar is working to create a future in which they will go away, or at least one where he can be at peace with them. Every time he sees Charity, his sister, he relives all the guilt, pain and horror of that night that, crazy with thirst, he changed her into one of them.
There were other fabulous entries (in particular, I’m looking at you, Raquel G. and Daniela S.), and thanks to every single one of you who shared your thoughts.
I hope to post your thoughts on demons and angels before I leave for Australia — but that’s less than 48 hours away!
Australia travel plans (partial)
OK, at long last, I have some tour dates for Australia! This is NOT a final or complete list, but this is the larger part of my public appearances Down Under, so take a look:
Event name: Author talk with Dymocks Sydney
Date: Monday 16th August
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Dendy Opera Quays Cinema, 9/2 Circular Quay, Sydney
Cost: $20 members of SMH Dymocks Events / Students & Non-Members $22. Talk and signing session
I have no idea what it is I’m supposed to be doing that’s worth $20 to get in. I hope they don’t ask me to pole dance. A NIGHT OF ADVENTURE.
Event name: Signing at Big W Eastgardens
Date: Tuesday 17th August
Time: 4pm
Venue: Big W at Westfield Eastgardens, Level: 2, Store M1, 152 Bunnerong Rd., Eastgardens NSW 2036
Cost: Free
No pole dancing here.
Event name: Author event with Dymocks Albert Street
Date: Wednesday 18th August
Time: 5pm
Venue: Shop D17, 177 Albert Street (Cnr Elizabeth & Albert), Brisbane
Cost: Free
This will be my first day in Brisbane! (They have scheduled me to spend my first day in Sydney — after plane trips that total about 19 hours — just sort of sitting around blinking. Trust me, this is for the best.)
Event name: Public signing at Angus and Robertson Morayfield
Date: Thursday 19th August
Time: 4pm
Venue: Angus and Robertson Morayfield, Shop 62 Morayfield Shopping Centre, Morayfield Road, Morayfield, 4506
Cost: Free
It is my opinion that this venue does not have enough “Morayfield” in its address.
Event name: Author event with Dymocks Melbourne
Date: Friday 20th August
Time: 5pm
Venue: 234 Collins Street
Whoo, Melbourne! I watched a Food Network special about great restaurants in Melbourne, so I plan to essentially eat my way across the city. Look for me to perhaps still have a napkin tucked in my collar.
I’m hoping I’ll be able to add a couple more events, maybe in some places a bit farther afield (though not so far as Perth, I’m afraid — please forgive me!) But that’s all tentative. What you see here is for sure. I am SO looking forward to this and to meeting as many fans as possible!
BTW, I will also have some Illinois events to announce for September before too long, so the signings continue —
Check back at the blog tomorrow for an interview with the fabulous Kelley Armstrong, of THE RECKONING, THE SUMMONING and all kinds of other awesome books. 😀
And have you entered the PERSONAL DEMONS contest yet? If not, what’s stopping you?