contests livejournal entry

Contest: Josin McQuein’s ARCLIGHT (and FATEFUL to boot!)

So, like any other YA reader out there you are slavering to get your hands on Josin McQuein’s thrilling debut ARCLIGHT, right? I have not one but TWO copies to give away to the daring, the courageous and the bold. In addition, each of the two winners will also get a signed copy of my book FATEFUL, just because. What do you have to do to win? It’s easy: Just tweet a link to any of my blog posts during the past month (your pick) (not including this one b/c will form ever-repeating MOBIUS STRIP and we’ll be trapped in an Escher drawing forever) — that’s it! Both winners will be chosen at random next Thursday, May 2. Open to anyone; yes, I’ll ship internationally. You can obviously enter multiple times by tweeting multiple links – but if you also comment at the blog (in a vaguely on-topic fashion) with a link to your tweet, I’ll count that as an additional entry. SO MANY CHANCES TO WIN. Apparently I like all-caps today. Guess I just like contests. So on your marks, get set, go!

9 replies on “Contest: Josin McQuein’s ARCLIGHT (and FATEFUL to boot!)”

What if you don’t have twitter, can I still enter? If so what would you like me to do?
Your an amazing writer Claudia!

I tweeted links to all your posts this month. I would really like to win! I have heard great things about Arclight and I have wanted to read Fateful for a while! I just LOVE the red dress on the cover! Here’s the links

I will consider you entered. About to pick winners. 😀

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