contests livejournal entry

Contest winners, upcoming events, and GET READY FOR STEADFAST

The winners of the last contest before we start the big countdown to STEADFAST are these lucky women: Yuliya, who gets INSOMNIA by J.R. Johannson; Tamara, who gets SEKRET by Lindsay Smith; and Becca, who gets PANIC by Lauren Oliver. Congrats one and all! More ARC contests will happen in the future, but not until after the big STEADFAST contest (starting tomorrow!) Right now, I want to talk about two upcoming appearances: 


First of all, in just under two weeks, I’ll be appearing along with the awesome Dark Days authors at Octavia Books, right here in New Orleans. Who’s on Dark Days this year, you ask? The awesome Kiersten White, Sophie Jordan, Veronica Rossi and Taherah Mafi! And yes, you can see all five of us if you come to Octavia Books next Friday, February 21 at 6 pm. (By the way, rumor has it there might just be a few early copies of STEADFAST on hand …)

Next I’ll be attending the NoVa Teen Book Festival in Arlington, VA on March 8. This is the festival’s very first year, but it looks like this is going to be a sensational event. Other authors on hand include Aimee Agresti, Marie Lu, Ellen Oh, Diana Peterfreund, Elizabeth Scott, Victoria Schwab, Cristin Terrill — and seriously, there are so many I can’t type them all here. If you’re going to be anywhere near Arlington on March 8, you want to be there.

Like I said, the big STEADFAST countdown starts tomorrow. A contest! A blog tour! And more besides, so get ready. 😀