livejournal entry

Cool Things Roundup

A small collection of interesting things, including a website I long to fangirl about:


If you like the X-Men (and you must, if you hang around me, or you are VERY tolerant indeed), you want to check out the Trask Industries website: — the spoilers for “Days of Future Past” are mild, but intriguing. (And we finally find out who Peter Dinklage is playing!)

Disney’s first attempt at costumes for Mickey and Minnie Mouse was … not good. Take a look:  — WARNING – this is total nightmare fuel.

I put this on my Tumblr, but in case you missed it, this image perfectly depicts a sequence in THROUGH A MIRROR INFINITE. Take a look now and remember it when you read the book in fall 2014!  —


Any other interesting links/stories/websites I really need to see?