news & events

Dark Days 2013 Kicks Off In March!

Claudia will be appearing on this spring’s Dark Days tour along with fellow Harper Teen authors Debra Driza (MILA 2.0), Lauren Oliver (REQUIEM), Dan Wells (FRAGMENTS) and Kiersten White (MIND GAMES). Check out the dates and cities to see if the tour is headed toward you!

March 6: Provo, Utah at The King’s English/Provo Library — appearing at 7 p.m. (guest appearance by Brodi Ashton, author of EVERBOUND)

March 7: Seattle, Washington at University Books/U District Location — appearing at 6:30 p.m.

March 8: Portland, Oregon at Barnes & Clackamas — appearing at 6:30 p.m.

March 9: Tualatin, Oregon at the Tualatin Library — appearing at 10 a.m.

Eugene, Oregon at the Eugene Library — appearing at 4 p.m.

Then, on March 11, Claudia and Dan will do a joint appearance in San Diego, California at Mysterious Galaxy, starting at 7 p.m.