
EVERNIGHT doll contest #3!

Sorry this is coming out so late, guys, but as you may know, I’m on the road this week … on a (personal only) trip to Southern California. If you are in SoCal, you know that I somehow managed to arrive here in time for cold winds, torrential rains and flash flood warnings. Do I have great timing or what? (What I do NOT have is an umbrella. I do sometimes take packing light to an unfortunate extreme.)

The conference I’m attending here has been tremendously fun but also tremendously busy, which is how I come to be posting this contest at midnight on Saturday. But! You still get a week to enter, and both Bianca and Lucas still wait to to find homes. So how do you enter?

1) Send me an email at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com, with the subject line “Doll Contest #3” or similar.
2) In this email, tell me what you’d do at the beach when it’s raining!
3) Also tell me whether you’d like the Bianca doll or the Lucas doll, and give me a name and address to use so I can mail your doll to you if you win.
4) Do all this before Saturday, Feb. 26, when I’ll pick the next winner!

We’re SO CLOSE to AFTERLIFE I can almost taste it! Did you see the tour dates on my website ( If not, check them out, US guys — I can’t wait to meet you!

(And I’ll have a couple new international trips to announce very soon …)

Sorry this is coming out so late, guys, but as you may know, I’m on the road this week … on a (personal only) trip to Southern California. If you are in SoCal, you know that I somehow managed to arrive here in time for cold winds, torrential rains and flash flood warnings. Do I have great timing or what? (What I do NOT have is an umbrella. I do sometimes take packing light to an unfortunate extreme.)

The conference I’m attending here has been tremendously fun but also tremendously busy, which is how I come to be posting this contest at midnight on Saturday. But! You still get a week to enter, and both Bianca and Lucas still wait to to find homes. So how do you enter?

1) Send me an email at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com, with the subject line “Doll Contest #3” or similar.
2) In this email, tell me what you’d do at the beach when it’s raining!
3) Also tell me whether you’d like the Bianca doll or the Lucas doll, and give me a name and address to use so I can mail your doll to you if you win.
4) Do all this before Saturday, Feb. 26, when I’ll pick the next winner!

We’re SO CLOSE to AFTERLIFE I can almost taste it! Did you see the tour dates on my website ( If not, check them out, US guys — I can’t wait to meet you!

(And I’ll have a couple new international trips to announce very soon …)

2 replies on “EVERNIGHT doll contest #3!”

I would love to win one of the dolls ,I think Bianca doll would like to visit Spain haha 😉
I can’t wait for knowing the new international trips 🙂
Regards from Spain

I would love to win this contest. I happen to love your books and stumbled upon them while looking for new books to read. once i read Evernight Academy I was hooked. Your books are in my top 5 fav books ever. Even if I dont win I still plan on buying the doll!!!

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