livejournal entry

EVERNIGHT is out in paperback! Plus — the first STARGAZER contest begins!

First of all, this entry was meant to go up yesterday. But the pulled muscles from the snowy hike meant I was sort of laid-up on Monday, trying to learn how to move again; Tuesday was all about catching up from Monday. But at last, here we are, with two big announcements:

EVERNIGHT is now out in paperback! If you read it at the library and want your own copy, or have been urging a friend to read it, then this is the moment to make your move.

Second, it’s time to begin the first STARGAZER contest!

The rules, as suggested by some of you:

Tell me about how any vampire from another vampire series might end up at Evernight Academy.

Do you think Edward Cullen might have dropped by in the 1950s? Or maybe Claudia from INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE attended the elementary-school version? “Older” vampires aren’t ruled out, either: I’d love to know what subjects Barnabas Collins or Bill from “True Blood” might teach if they came on-staff.

Let your imaginations run wild! Answers can be one line or an essay. (If you get inspired for fanfic, I think that’s awesome, but I don’t think I can accept fic as your entry.) Enter by commenting on this entry or at the CG MySpace, or by e-mailing me via my website.

The prize: To celebrate the release of the paperback, I’m giving away autographed copies of EVERNIGHT in softcover (or, if you prefer, the Spanish or Catalan version of MEDIANOCHE), as well as a copy of the first volume of L.J. Smith’s THE VAMPIRE DIARIES. (Is everybody else as psyched for that series as I am?) You get double the vampire romance! I will choose four winners at random.

Eligible to enter: Everyone. I’ll ship anywhere. Residents of Nepal, research scientists on Antactica, this is the time to make your move.

Deadline: I’ll pick the winners in the morning (New York time) of Feb. 17.

(If for some reason this doesn’t catch your fancy, hang tight — we’ll be having a contest a week until STARGAZER debuts.)

Spread the word! I look forward to seeing the responses.

Finally, don’t miss the fun review from Readergirl!

88 replies on “EVERNIGHT is out in paperback! Plus — the first STARGAZER contest begins!”

I think Mick St. John and Josef from Moonlight series could have been good teachers in Evernight. Mick should teach some class like “Vampire & Morals” and about Josef, I donΒ΄t know… yet. πŸ™‚

Well, this is my entry to the contest:

Eric Norhtman (from the “Sokie Stackhouse Series” or “True Blood”) as a teacher. He could teach Marketing…we know how well he does with business! Mmmm…or he could be Bianca’s mum assistant, teaching History…mmm…yummy!

I wouldn’t miss one of his classes for anything! lol

How about if Angel, from Buffy, comes as a teacher in an “how to interract with mortals” class. I haven’t read the book yet but it is in my TBR pile so this is really just a fun, silly idea.

I think Mick St. John and Josef from Moonlight series could have been good teachers in Evernight. Mick should teach some class like “Vampire & Morals” and about Josef, I donΒ΄t know… yet. πŸ™‚

Jack Fleming from PN Elrod’s the Vampire Files would teach journalism/be advisor for the school paper. He’d be there to learn how to use computers, but secretly still does most of his writing on his old remington typewriter.

Well, this is my entry to the contest:

Eric Norhtman (from the “Sokie Stackhouse Series” or “True Blood”) as a teacher. He could teach Marketing…we know how well he does with business! Mmmm…or he could be Bianca’s mum assistant, teaching History…mmm…yummy!

I wouldn’t miss one of his classes for anything! lol

When Twilight meets Evernight

Here’s a tale of when Twilight meets Evernight:
One moonlit night, the Cullens decide to play hide and go seek: extreme edition. Renesmee, of course, decides to run as fast and far as possible (besides, she had inherited her father’s superspeed). She ends up in the forest near Evernight Academy, where Balthazar is on the lookout for any wandering vampire hunters. They start to make conversation and *poof* instant connection. Renesmee can be herself-her vampire self-without being self conscious about it. It was then that she decided to enroll into Evernight Academy as a student.
The End. πŸ˜€

The first vampires that popped into my head were the Volturi from the Twilight series… I could totally see a bunch of the Volturi guards being sent to Evernight to check things out, maybe try and get some of the vampires there to join the Volturi. It’d be quite interesting seeing Jane at Evernight and everyone being terrified of her because of her power.

For some reason I could see Spike from Buffy there too haha, I can just picture him getting a job as a teacher there but ending up breaking rules and getting into fights with everyone and eventually getting fired or leaving. :]

How about if Angel, from Buffy, comes as a teacher in an “how to interract with mortals” class. I haven’t read the book yet but it is in my TBR pile so this is really just a fun, silly idea.

Jack Fleming from PN Elrod’s the Vampire Files would teach journalism/be advisor for the school paper. He’d be there to learn how to use computers, but secretly still does most of his writing on his old remington typewriter.

When Twilight meets Evernight

Here’s a tale of when Twilight meets Evernight:
One moonlit night, the Cullens decide to play hide and go seek: extreme edition. Renesmee, of course, decides to run as fast and far as possible (besides, she had inherited her father’s superspeed). She ends up in the forest near Evernight Academy, where Balthazar is on the lookout for any wandering vampire hunters. They start to make conversation and *poof* instant connection. Renesmee can be herself-her vampire self-without being self conscious about it. It was then that she decided to enroll into Evernight Academy as a student.
The End. πŸ˜€

The first vampires that popped into my head were the Volturi from the Twilight series… I could totally see a bunch of the Volturi guards being sent to Evernight to check things out, maybe try and get some of the vampires there to join the Volturi. It’d be quite interesting seeing Jane at Evernight and everyone being terrified of her because of her power.

For some reason I could see Spike from Buffy there too haha, I can just picture him getting a job as a teacher there but ending up breaking rules and getting into fights with everyone and eventually getting fired or leaving. :]

Mina Hamilton from Sucks to Be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton, Teen Vampire (maybe). She needs to move from where she used to live, so she enrolls into Evernight Academy with her boyfriend. I don’t believe she would really ‘fit in’ much, but she has a really funny voice.

Evernight Contest

I believe that Mimi Force (from Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz) visited Evernight Academy in her last cycle. She would have been attracted to the high society and all those gorgeous vampires. Mimi is all about being the best so she would have loved to be the most popular in the Academy.

Mina Hamilton from Sucks to Be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton, Teen Vampire (maybe). She needs to move from where she used to live, so she enrolls into Evernight Academy with her boyfriend. I don’t believe she would really ‘fit in’ much, but she has a really funny voice.

Evernight Contest

I believe that Mimi Force (from Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz) visited Evernight Academy in her last cycle. She would have been attracted to the high society and all those gorgeous vampires. Mimi is all about being the best so she would have loved to be the most popular in the Academy.

I can totally see Alucard from the manga/anime “Hellsing” at Evernight… he’d be the coolest and at the same time scariest teacher of them all. Girls would swoon over him and boys would strive to be like him. He’d have respect from every single pupil and even the other teachers.

And while he would make his students to appreciate being a vampire, he’d also tell them to remember how sad it could actually be, being able to live forever.

House of Night to Evernight

Erik, (from house of night series) starts to get lonely after leaving house of night he wanders from place to place until he finds evernight & stays there, falling in love with Patrice. ;D

I can totally see Alucard from the manga/anime “Hellsing” at Evernight… he’d be the coolest and at the same time scariest teacher of them all. Girls would swoon over him and boys would strive to be like him. He’d have respect from every single pupil and even the other teachers.

And while he would make his students to appreciate being a vampire, he’d also tell them to remember how sad it could actually be, being able to live forever.

Con from Sunshine…

I think Con (Constantine) from Robin McKinley’s sunshine would be a good addition to Evernight…he doesn’t have the typical vampire “good looks.” I could see him as a teacher probably something along the lines of “how to maintain your underground lair.” Also he could teach a class about restraint or “how NOT to eat a bleeding human chained to the wall next to you.”

Rebekah Purdy

House of Night to Evernight

Erik, (from house of night series) starts to get lonely after leaving house of night he wanders from place to place until he finds evernight & stays there, falling in love with Patrice. ;D

Con from Sunshine…

I think Con (Constantine) from Robin McKinley’s sunshine would be a good addition to Evernight…he doesn’t have the typical vampire “good looks.” I could see him as a teacher probably something along the lines of “how to maintain your underground lair.” Also he could teach a class about restraint or “how NOT to eat a bleeding human chained to the wall next to you.”

Rebekah Purdy

For some reason, I keep thinking of Forever Knight and what LaCroix would think of the place (no doubt sniff with disdain and trade sharp barbs with the staff, PARTICULARLY Mrs. Bethany.) but I think Janette would be more likely to retreat to the place. Unlike Nick or LaCroix, she seems to understand the need for balance between the vampire world and the human world and the use of such a place as Evernight. And she’d make a kick ass teacher.

For some reason, I keep thinking of Forever Knight and what LaCroix would think of the place (no doubt sniff with disdain and trade sharp barbs with the staff, PARTICULARLY Mrs. Bethany.) but I think Janette would be more likely to retreat to the place. Unlike Nick or LaCroix, she seems to understand the need for balance between the vampire world and the human world and the use of such a place as Evernight. And she’d make a kick ass teacher.

Angel (from BtvS Season 1, when DB still could have passed for a mature HS senior in the right light) is wandering around Boston, being his normal bummer self, when he notices that the 60s have happened. It freaks him out, man. Retreating to the countryside, he runs into one of the teachers from Evernight when he stops the teacher from taking out a local, and the teacher (let’s call him Mr. Pibbs) directs Angel to Evernight, where he gets filled in on the War in Vietnam and how to fake a bong hit.

(I already have the book, but that was fun!)

Angel (from BtvS Season 1, when DB still could have passed for a mature HS senior in the right light) is wandering around Boston, being his normal bummer self, when he notices that the 60s have happened. It freaks him out, man. Retreating to the countryside, he runs into one of the teachers from Evernight when he stops the teacher from taking out a local, and the teacher (let’s call him Mr. Pibbs) directs Angel to Evernight, where he gets filled in on the War in Vietnam and how to fake a bong hit.

(I already have the book, but that was fun!)

I think Simon from The Moral Instruments trilogy by Cassandra Clare was mad at Clary one day and started walking around to get out of Manhattan. He eventually walked out of the woods and into the school, when he realized he needed to go back and try and play hero again. The End.

I think Simon from The Moral Instruments trilogy by Cassandra Clare was mad at Clary one day and started walking around to get out of Manhattan. He eventually walked out of the woods and into the school, when he realized he needed to go back and try and play hero again. The End.

I also think Simon from the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. However, I think sometime in the future after Clary’s lifetime he will be lonely and enroll in Evernight to try to make friends or love.

Also, Alexander from Vampire Kisses by Ellen Schrieber. He could turn Raven into a vampire and they can go to Evernight while she adjusts to the change.


I also think Simon from the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. However, I think sometime in the future after Clary’s lifetime he will be lonely and enroll in Evernight to try to make friends or love.

Also, Alexander from Vampire Kisses by Ellen Schrieber. He could turn Raven into a vampire and they can go to Evernight while she adjusts to the change.


Contest πŸ™‚

Alice Cullen from Twilight stumbles upon the school of Evernight which the population is mostly made up of Vampires. Alice has a vision that Lucas will try to hurt one of the Vampire students, racing against time she goes to help solve any confrontation.She also never attended on making friends with the very person who wants to kill one of her kind, and then becomes friends with Bianca ,who is on the verge of becoming a vampire.On this journey, she enrolls as a student to stop and help Lucas through this matter. Not knowing what would go on she gets to Evernight and she realizes she is unable to recieve visions fully….
Alice is confused on why this is happening when a jolt of memories coming pouring to her, she remembers who or what is responsible for her visions being unclear…..werewolves.

Contest πŸ™‚

Alice Cullen from Twilight stumbles upon the school of Evernight which the population is mostly made up of Vampires. Alice has a vision that Lucas will try to hurt one of the Vampire students, racing against time she goes to help solve any confrontation.She also never attended on making friends with the very person who wants to kill one of her kind, and then becomes friends with Bianca ,who is on the verge of becoming a vampire.On this journey, she enrolls as a student to stop and help Lucas through this matter. Not knowing what would go on she gets to Evernight and she realizes she is unable to recieve visions fully….
Alice is confused on why this is happening when a jolt of memories coming pouring to her, she remembers who or what is responsible for her visions being unclear…..werewolves.

Hey… its jeremy’s entry.

I would have to definitely go with the vampire Armand from the Chronicles. He would make a superb drama teacher, back-telling his story onstage and then stepping in to the sunlight for a grand finale. But the young ones beware… he can be quite strict… lol… like with claudia… lol… ok im done.

Oh, and also the kids from the lost boys. They wouldn’t be easy to handle for the teachers (especially with the human students all mixed in) but I thought that the vampires needed at least five dirty, grungy, not so perfect but still very good looking eighties head-banger kids for the contrast effect. Besides, who doesn’t love keiffer sutherland with a mullet. πŸ™‚


PS… i loved your book. More. Please. Can’t stand the…. antici…pation.

Hey… its jeremy’s entry.

I would have to definitely go with the vampire Armand from the Chronicles. He would make a superb drama teacher, back-telling his story onstage and then stepping in to the sunlight for a grand finale. But the young ones beware… he can be quite strict… lol… like with claudia… lol… ok im done.

Oh, and also the kids from the lost boys. They wouldn’t be easy to handle for the teachers (especially with the human students all mixed in) but I thought that the vampires needed at least five dirty, grungy, not so perfect but still very good looking eighties head-banger kids for the contrast effect. Besides, who doesn’t love keiffer sutherland with a mullet. πŸ™‚


PS… i loved your book. More. Please. Can’t stand the…. antici…pation.


Are you familiar with the japanese comic book called Vampire Knight? It’s really good ^^
The story also takes place in a boarding school called Cross Academy where vampires and humans share the building but in different time periods πŸ˜‰
More info here:

Anyway, I was thinking that may be, Kaname Kuran (beautiful pure blood vampire, attendant and co-founder of the Cross Academy) could have attended Evernight Academy some decades ago. He must have been thrilled with the facility and thought of implementing the same idea on his land and with his fellows vampires, and that is how the Cross Academy could have been born. (Leaving the different mythologies aside ^^)

Oh, the could also exchange students and such *o*


Are you familiar with the japanese comic book called Vampire Knight? It’s really good ^^
The story also takes place in a boarding school called Cross Academy where vampires and humans share the building but in different time periods πŸ˜‰
More info here:

Anyway, I was thinking that may be, Kaname Kuran (beautiful pure blood vampire, attendant and co-founder of the Cross Academy) could have attended Evernight Academy some decades ago. He must have been thrilled with the facility and thought of implementing the same idea on his land and with his fellows vampires, and that is how the Cross Academy could have been born. (Leaving the different mythologies aside ^^)

Oh, the could also exchange students and such *o*

tantalize/evernight x-over

Quincie from (Tantalize by Cynthia Leitich Smith) could certainly use some social contact with other vampires since she doesn’t know how being all vampy will really affect her. She’s a lot like Bianca in that way actually, they might even be friends.

tantalize/evernight x-over

Quincie from (Tantalize by Cynthia Leitich Smith) could certainly use some social contact with other vampires since she doesn’t know how being all vampy will really affect her. She’s a lot like Bianca in that way actually, they might even be friends.

It will be very different plotline if Louis from: Interview with The Vampire ended up in Evernight Academy as counselor because he really knows how a vampire can can live a long life, to stay out of trouble and there’s some redemption in his character too.


PD/ Thanks to you Evernight is perfect with the original characters πŸ˜‰

It will be very different plotline if Louis from: Interview with The Vampire ended up in Evernight Academy as counselor because he really knows how a vampire can can live a long life, to stay out of trouble and there’s some redemption in his character too.


PD/ Thanks to you Evernight is perfect with the original characters πŸ˜‰

Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries as a senior year student. Maybe decades after what happened with Katherine in order to put his mind in order and meet new interesting people

Sorry for my bad english =)

Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries as a senior year student. Maybe decades after what happened with Katherine in order to put his mind in order and meet new interesting people

Sorry for my bad english =)

I think Neferet from the house of night series (p.c. and kristen cast) may have gone to Evernight Academy. She’s crazy enough to have messed up in the past and been “asked” to attend.
Also I think if the vampires in The Blue Bloods series weren’t so tight-knit and forceful about their rules(death to silver bloods and all that) any one of those vampires may have gone to Evernight.

I think Neferet from the house of night series (p.c. and kristen cast) may have gone to Evernight Academy. She’s crazy enough to have messed up in the past and been “asked” to attend.
Also I think if the vampires in The Blue Bloods series weren’t so tight-knit and forceful about their rules(death to silver bloods and all that) any one of those vampires may have gone to Evernight.

First of may I say the series is amazing and I can’t wait what will await us next.

Selene from the Underworld series would just be amazing. Wouldn’t it be interesting to have more action in the series. It would be crazy if there was something else Victor would have been hiding from her. The idea of a battle soon to come against them. The idea of of having many similarities with each other.

First of may I say the series is amazing and I can’t wait what will await us next.

Selene from the Underworld series would just be amazing. Wouldn’t it be interesting to have more action in the series. It would be crazy if there was something else Victor would have been hiding from her. The idea of a battle soon to come against them. The idea of of having many similarities with each other.


Quincey Harker from Bloodline
He went to Evernight Academy to control his thirst for blood so that he can be near Mary, his true love. I think he might also share his experience from World War 1 to the other vampires. It can also be his preparation to fight John.


Quincey Harker from Bloodline
He went to Evernight Academy to control his thirst for blood so that he can be near Mary, his true love. I think he might also share his experience from World War 1 to the other vampires. It can also be his preparation to fight John.

Uh… Maybe Michael Kelly from Keri Arthur. That would be kickass XD He’d give quite this… Hmm.. I’d say a CSI on vampire crimes? LOL He would creep half the students with his look and then he’d dazzle them, because he’s just too sweet for his own good! Ah! At least when Nikki comes around =w=;;;
Or maybe Quinn would do as a magic teach. Oh, man. That would be scary!! And he’d have half the female student body drolling over him, no? :3

Uh… Maybe Michael Kelly from Keri Arthur. That would be kickass XD He’d give quite this… Hmm.. I’d say a CSI on vampire crimes? LOL He would creep half the students with his look and then he’d dazzle them, because he’s just too sweet for his own good! Ah! At least when Nikki comes around =w=;;;
Or maybe Quinn would do as a magic teach. Oh, man. That would be scary!! And he’d have half the female student body drolling over him, no? :3

Okay, it took me a while to come up with this, but I’ve decided it would be quite funny if “Bubba” from the Sookie Stackhouse books came upon Evernight Academy during his wanderings. Bubba is actually Elvis as a vampire. Maybe he could be persuaded to sing for the students and teachers… as long as they don’t actually call him Elvis, he doesn’t like that.

Stargazer Contest

Before Byonca started at evernight she went to school with Bella Swan in Arizona.

Okay, it took me a while to come up with this, but I’ve decided it would be quite funny if “Bubba” from the Sookie Stackhouse books came upon Evernight Academy during his wanderings. Bubba is actually Elvis as a vampire. Maybe he could be persuaded to sing for the students and teachers… as long as they don’t actually call him Elvis, he doesn’t like that.

Stargazer Contest

Before Byonca started at evernight she went to school with Bella Swan in Arizona.

Edward, from the Twilight series, could teach “How To Sit Next To A Mortal For An Hour Without Killing Them”!

Spike, from Buffy, could teach a class on how to make the slayer fall for you instead of staking you.


Did I make the deadline? It’s almost midnight where I live, and I am not good at the whole time zone thing…ANYWAY!

Dimitri Belikov and Rosemarie Hathaway should help teach defense classes at Evernight. They be awesome, and I’d become a vampire just to get taught by them, and to go to the school WITH BIANCA!!!!!

I don’t have a LJ account, so here is my e-mail:

Edward, from the Twilight series, could teach “How To Sit Next To A Mortal For An Hour Without Killing Them”!

Spike, from Buffy, could teach a class on how to make the slayer fall for you instead of staking you.


Did I make the deadline? It’s almost midnight where I live, and I am not good at the whole time zone thing…ANYWAY!

Dimitri Belikov and Rosemarie Hathaway should help teach defense classes at Evernight. They be awesome, and I’d become a vampire just to get taught by them, and to go to the school WITH BIANCA!!!!!

I don’t have a LJ account, so here is my e-mail:

Thanks so much for linking my review Claudia! I was so suprized and like really honored so thank you! πŸ™‚ I hope you liked it! *hugs*


Thanks so much for linking my review Claudia! I was so suprized and like really honored so thank you! πŸ™‚ I hope you liked it! *hugs*


I’m taking advantage of the extra night!

I’ve come to view Simon from The Mortal Instruments as not necessarily being comfortable around other vampires. In a fic I wrote, he returns to the hotel/ vamp hangout where he was turned and has a lot of fear about being with large groups of vampires. Despite the aversion, I think it would be a positive things, to help him acclimate to his changes. I think his experience at Evernight Academy would help prepare him for life as a vampire and in exchange, he could help the others acclimate to the modern world. The Academy would hopefully help him be more comfortable around other vamps and ease his transition from mortal to vampire.

I’m taking advantage of the extra night!

I’ve come to view Simon from The Mortal Instruments as not necessarily being comfortable around other vampires. In a fic I wrote, he returns to the hotel/ vamp hangout where he was turned and has a lot of fear about being with large groups of vampires. Despite the aversion, I think it would be a positive things, to help him acclimate to his changes. I think his experience at Evernight Academy would help prepare him for life as a vampire and in exchange, he could help the others acclimate to the modern world. The Academy would hopefully help him be more comfortable around other vamps and ease his transition from mortal to vampire.

Stargazer Contest 1

I think that Renesmee and Jacob from Twilight will happen across Evernight Academy while they are traveling. Renesmee is full grown now and is traveling the world with her true love Jacob. They find Evernight and for a year Renesmee enrolls at it to try to figure out how to use some of her powers better. When they leave, they go nack to the Cullen family. Renesmee happy now that she knows more about her powers and Jacob just happy to be with her.


Stargazer Contest 1

I think that Renesmee and Jacob from Twilight will happen across Evernight Academy while they are traveling. Renesmee is full grown now and is traveling the world with her true love Jacob. They find Evernight and for a year Renesmee enrolls at it to try to figure out how to use some of her powers better. When they leave, they go nack to the Cullen family. Renesmee happy now that she knows more about her powers and Jacob just happy to be with her.


Just Stuff

It should totally be Dracula. He could come to the school unexpectedly and stir everything up. Maybe by trying to take over the school himself, and then everything would turn into a big disaster? And then he sets his eyes on one particular person/vampire, Bianca? Or/And[Dracula is supposed to be very horrible, from what i’ve read out of Bram Stokers book]he could like, start attacking the humans at the school. And then when he is stopped [if he gets stopped], he will turn around and haunt everybody, he will never rest until he gets what he wants, which is everything… But all in all, i think that it should have vamps that are similar to the vamps in the book, not ones with super-powers or whatever, because then what super-powers would your characters have? And if you did give them supper-powers, it would be too super-manny [like Clark Kent].

Just Stuff

It should totally be Dracula. He could come to the school unexpectedly and stir everything up. Maybe by trying to take over the school himself, and then everything would turn into a big disaster? And then he sets his eyes on one particular person/vampire, Bianca? Or/And[Dracula is supposed to be very horrible, from what i’ve read out of Bram Stokers book]he could like, start attacking the humans at the school. And then when he is stopped [if he gets stopped], he will turn around and haunt everybody, he will never rest until he gets what he wants, which is everything… But all in all, i think that it should have vamps that are similar to the vamps in the book, not ones with super-powers or whatever, because then what super-powers would your characters have? And if you did give them supper-powers, it would be too super-manny [like Clark Kent].

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