About the Mr. Darcy and Miss Tilney Mystery Series
Where did you get the idea for this?
I can’t fully explain without giving spoilers for another book, but in short: I read another Austen-inspired mystery that had an opportunity to kill Mr. Wickham…then did not. I had not realized how badly I wanted this guy to be dead. The plot spun out from there.
Is there going to be another book in the series?
So far, I have written four mystery novels with Jonathan and Juliet: THE MURDER OF MR. WICKHAM, THE LATE MRS. WILLOUGHBY, THE PERILS OF LADY CATHERINE DE BOURGH, and THE RUSHWORTH FAMILY PLOT. If you’re a fan of the series, you’ll be happy to know that I’m contracted to write two more books, so there will be at minimum six books in the series, and I’m hopeful to expand beyond that. So keep telling your friends about them!
Is Jonathan Darcy intended to be read as neurodivergent?
My belief is that Jonathan is someone who, today, would be considered to be neurodivergent/autistic. They didn’t have that framework for understanding his needs in that time. As I’ve never been diagnosed as neurodivergent myself, I have endeavored to read books/articles/blogs/forums by and for people with autism and similar issues with sensory processing to hear both their real experiences and their feelings about different types of portrayals in media. I want to listen and learn, and I know that the books are better for this. That said, the most important thing to know about Jonathan’s neurodivergence is that it is not the most important thing about him. It is part of his character and his journey, no more and no less.
About Writing for Star Wars
First, you have to publish your own original books, stories, and/or comics. Before you work with Star Wars (or any other franchise with tie-in publications), the editors in charge want to be familiar with your writing, to know that you are capable of meeting deadlines, to know that you can handle edits in a professional manner, and that you have some experience with public appearances. Only after you’ve established that will you have a shot.
After that, though? Talk on whatever social media you use about how much you love Star Wars. Talk with editors and writers who already work on Star Wars—by which I mean, converse with them instead of just pitching them. And tell your agent (you will almost certainly need to have one) that you’re interested. In other words, send up signal flares, and there’s a chance you’ll be contacted.
Once you’ve been contacted for a suggested project, you’ll need to put together an outline (whether lengthy or rudimentary—as long as it’s enough for them to judge by). If they like it, congrats! You’ve got the job!
Does Lucasfilm tell you what to write?
I am asked to write specific projects, but as a rule, the material I’m given to work with is just a line or two. (For instance, LOST STARS came from: “We want two childhood friends who wind up on opposite sides of the war in the original trilogy but retain this romantic bond. We’d love an angry, troubled guy who winds up in the Empire, and an idealistic young woman who winds up in the Rebellion.” I came back with, “I want the idealistic young woman in the Empire and the troubled guy in the Rebellion.” That was okayed.)
Do you know what’s happening next in Star Wars? Do you have tons of spoilers about the next movies and TV shows?
No. It is amazing how much I do not know. Every once in a while I learn a little something—but usually only a week or two before everybody else in creation finds out. Most of the time, I just get told something I’m writing doesn’t work for mysterious, unnamed reasons that must conflict with a project currently underway, and I sort of have to guess how to fix it. Just part of the adventure.
Are you writing a sequel to Lost Stars?
I have no idea. I’d like to do that, but the project would have to align with Star Wars’ publishing needs—and so far, that hasn’t happened. Someday, maybe? All I can say at this point is that yes, I have an idea for a sequel that I believe would be a story worth telling—but that if the story does end there, I’m okay with that too.
About me
What is your real name?
It’s in most of my books, at the very least as part of the copyright notice. I prefer to go as Claudia when I’m talking about my writing, though, despite the fact that my real name isn’t a secret. I took a pseudonym for fun, and fun I shall have with it.
When will you come to my hometown?
Whenever my publisher or bookseller in your area invites me there! I love meeting readers, but tours and appearances are usually driven by the people who sell the books rather than the people who write them. You can check out my latest tour information here.
What’s the deal with the pugs?
I just think they’re cute.
How did you choose your pseudonym?
I had the miniseries “I, Claudius” in my DVD player. It’s a lifelong favorite, so I’m pretty happy to have named myself after it.
About writing
Are any of your characters based on real people?
As a general rule, no. Although I have taken real details from my life, the experiences of my friends, and even historical figures, so far all my characters are very much independent creations.
How long does it take you to write a book?
Each book is different. I’ve had it take only a couple of months; I’ve had it take more than a year. Every plot offers new challenges.
Are you going to make movies of your books?
Sadly, it’s not up to me. Books get made into movies when producers or studios decide. Thus far I don’t have anything like that to announce, but trust me, if that ever changes? You’ll know, because I’ll be shouting it from the rooftops.
Where do you get your ideas?
God only knows. Ideas are actually pretty easy to come by; the tricky part is hoping your ideas will meet each other in your subconscious, fall in love, and give birth to little baby plots.
I’m writing a book! Can you read it and give me feedback?
Sadly, no. So many people ask this that if I said yes, I would have no time to get my own writing done.
I’m writing a Star Wars book! Can you read it and give me feedback?
Still no, and especially no, because my contracts with Lucasfilm Publishing specifically forbid me from doing so.
I hope to become a writer someday. Do you have any advice for me?
My three main pieces of advice for would-be writers:
1) Read as much as you can. Read everything you can get your hands on. Read the stuff you love. Read the stuff you never thought you’d love. You will learn more about storytelling this way than any other, and you’ll discover the kinds of plots/premises/characters that entrance you.
2) Write as much as you can. I can’t tell you that you must “write every day,” because I don’t. (Nearly every day … but that’s not the same thing.) But you must write regularly enough to make consistent progress on your projects, and to turn writing into a part of your everyday life. If you wait until you have “time to write,” you’ll never have the time. Start writing, and you’ll find the time.
3) When you finally have something you’re ready to show the world, do your homework to find out how best to get it out there. Is your novel the right length for publishers? Have you chosen the right genre? What agents would be a good fit? Is self-publishing right for you? It’s a lot to take in, and there are many loud voices out there who are not necessarily shouting the best information. I would suggest checking out good agent blogs and reputable publishing boards such as Absolute Write and Backspace in order to educate yourself well.