Yes, TEN THOUSAND SKIES ABOVE YOU is the second book of the Firebird trilogy, coming to you November 3 of this year. And if you thought there was no way this cover could be as lovely as the one for A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU? Well, I did too — and we were wrong. We were so gloriously wrong.
::drum roll::
HOW FREAKIN’ GORGEOUS IS THAT?? As you can see, more worlds are mirrored here, and you can guess some of the places Marguerite is headed next.
And if you’d like to know more about what happens in 10K SKIES, well, here’s the short synopsis:
Marguerite Caine has done the impossible, traveling to alternate dimensions with the Firebird—the brilliant invention of her parents, her boyfriend, Paul, and their friend Theo. But she has also caught the attention of enemies willing to kidnap, blackmail, and even kill to use the Firebird for themselves.
When Paul’s soul is splintered into four pieces—pieces that are trapped within Pauls in other dimensions—Marguerite will do anything, and travel anywhere, to save him. But the price of his safe return is steep. If she doesn’t sabotage her parents in multiple universes, Paul will be lost forever.
Unwilling to sacrifice her family, Marguerite enlists the brilliant Theo to help. The two forge a plan to save Paul and the Firebird, but succeeding means outsmarting a genius and risking not only their lives but also the lives of their counterparts in every other dimension.
Their mission takes them to the most dangerous universes yet: a war-torn San Francisco, the criminal underworld of New York City, and a glittering Paris where another Marguerite hides a shocking secret. Each leap brings Marguerite closer to saving Paul—but her journey reveals dark truths that lead her to doubt the one constant she’s found between the worlds: their love for each other.
To find out more thoughts about the cover, to add this to your GoodReads list or pin the cover on Pinterest, etc, check out the Epic Reads post for the cover reveal. And please, be sure to tell me in the comments what you think of Firebird cover #2!
20 replies on “Get ready for the cover of TEN THOUSAND SKIES ABOVE YOU!”
[…] Claudia Gray: Ten Thousand Skies Above You […]
Oh My Gosh!!! The cover is so beutiful. I relly want to buy it now!
Woohoo! I think you can preorder it, maybe?
i like it as much as the 1st one!
Me too! I’m so glad you agree.
I love the first book so much and it’s really well written!!! I can’t wait to read the second one!!! I know it’s gonna be even better than the first book!!! Such an awesome cover!!!
Thank you so much! I’m thrilled you enjoyed ATPOY, and I really feel like you’ll love the sequel.
DROOOL! Must have!!
So happy you’re psyched!!
So excited for this!
So excited for this!
I’m hyped now!
::shakes pompoms::
Omgosh the cover is so perfect and I absolutely can not wait for the book to come out,words cannot describe how excited I am!!
I’m so psyched too!!
I gawked my eyes out the first time I saw your A Thousand Pieces of You novel, Claudia. I just finished reading it while I’m on my way to my university. KUDOS! I don’t think I’ll look the same way again to myself. I ccheck for Firebirds~ *wink* loved every single bit of A Thousand Pieces of You ANDDDD I can’t wait to have my hands on Ten Thousand Skies Above!
I’m really excited for this second book, but can you promise me that there will ultimately be a happy ending, or at least a beautiful one? ? ? I get so sad when there isn’t.
Different universes have different endings, but … have faith.
Omg it’s GORGEOUS !! I Love it and can’t wait for it to come out !! ♡
Omg it’s GORGEOUS !! I Love it and can’t wait for it to come out !! ♡