livejournal entry

HarperTeen blog is now up!

I’m extra busy right now, and if you want to know why, you need look no further than my latest blog for HarperTeen. Check it out!

If it seems like it’s been a long time since there were any hike pics, well, sadly, it’s been a long time since there were any hikes. Although I don’t mind rough weather on a hike (in fact, the flash flood hike was one of my favorites ever), the fun level goes down sharply for me as the temperature drops below freezing. And with this winter being so much colder than normal, there’s been little opportunity for me to get out there. Here’s hoping February will offer a couple of weekends in the 40s, so I can get my boots back in action. (They’ve been subbing as snow boots, but really, it’s not the same.)

The paperback for EVERNIGHT will be out soon, and it won’t be long before I’ll start the six-week countdown to the release of STARGAZER! Early next week, I’ll be asking for your thoughts about potential contests and prizes you’d like to see; start thinking now.

OK, time to dive back in —

10 replies on “HarperTeen blog is now up!”

Oooooooh, so my timing really is for crap, isn’t it?

Never mind then, as you were. I did get almost 1000 words done today, so I am beginning to see a faint glimmer of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. I hope.

Best of wishes for a successful first draft of AFTERLIFE!

Oooooooh, so my timing really is for crap, isn’t it?

Never mind then, as you were. I did get almost 1000 words done today, so I am beginning to see a faint glimmer of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. I hope.

Best of wishes for a successful first draft of AFTERLIFE!

So Book 3 will give us a crazy cliffhanger then? :O

Looking forward to Stargazer, any word on an expected release date for book 3?

Best of luck with your writing.

So Book 3 will give us a crazy cliffhanger then? :O

Looking forward to Stargazer, any word on an expected release date for book 3?

Best of luck with your writing.

YAY! AFTERLIFE!! I can’t wait!

As for prize ideas … how about a copy of the MS for HOURGLASS???? 😉 Happy Writing!!

YAY! AFTERLIFE!! I can’t wait!

As for prize ideas … how about a copy of the MS for HOURGLASS???? 😉 Happy Writing!!

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