livejournal entry

Hello, Goodbye

I haven’t blogged in a while now, mostly due to extreme naughtiness — not of the “Girls Gone Wild” variety, but more like “OMG, I am so busy, and how am I ever going to leave for vacation at this rate?”

Well, I’m still insanely busy, but I am still leaving for vacation today, so let me just hit the highlights:

* My hiking guide has had some surgery but is apparently okay and hopes to be leading hikes again in November. Yay!

* I have turned the final-final revisions of HOURGLASS in to my editor. Yay!

* I forgot my luggage locks at home! Boo.

* Otherwise, I appear to be compactly and completely packed for my South American trip, which begins tonight. Yay!

* The very cool people at have a feature about author name pronunciation, and they invited me to take part. Now, I figure most of you understand how to pronounce “Claudia Gray,” which isn’t exactly a tongue-twister. But if you are curious to hear me chatting about the name for a while, you can check out the link here.

OK, I think that’s about it. I’m flying out this evening, so wish me luck with flights, transfers, all of that. Pictures when I return!

20 replies on “Hello, Goodbye”

Have fun on your trip!

I just started Evernight today, so far I love it. 🙂

(Sorry for the Twilight icon, but I thought the fictional characters dazzling me part was appropriate. ;-))

Have fun on your trip!

I just started Evernight today, so far I love it. 🙂

(Sorry for the Twilight icon, but I thought the fictional characters dazzling me part was appropriate. ;-))

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