It’s that time of the week again — time to name the winners of Contest #3 and begin Contest #4! So first of all, the happy winners of their very own star lamps are Debra S., Van P., Viki S., Jessica B. and Courtney V.! I’ve emailed you guys to let you know when the stars will be on their way. Congrats to all!
If you didn’t win that one, take heart; we have another contest beginning now, and this is the one with your best chances — we will have no fewer that ten lucky winners this week.
The prize? Well, if there’s one image that has played a huge role for Bianca and Lucas from the beginning, it’s this one:
So I will be giving away ten (10) posters of Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss,” one to each winner, 24″x36″, so that you could put them in a ready-made poster frame if you wanted. I have always absolutely loved this image, and I think it would look gorgeous in just about any room.
Here’s how to enter:
1) Email me at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com.
2) In the email, tell me a song you love that you think reminds you of a character/relationship/scene you’ve enjoyed in the books.
3) In the email, also give me the address where I should send your poster if you win.
4) Enter before next Tuesday, March 2, which is when I’ll announce the winners.
Good luck to everyone!
It’s only two weeks until the US release of HOURGLASS. I can’t believe we’re almost there!
8 replies on “HOURGLASS Contest #4!”
HAHA that you’re listening to Drop It Like It’s Hot!
HAHA that you’re listening to Drop It Like It’s Hot!
Klimt’s Kiss Poster
Wow, while reading the evernight series I never once thought of the Klimt’s Kiss poster to look like that. I always pictured it with like real people kissing and not painted/ drawn. But I guess that’s the difference from seeing things in your head and then seeing them in real life.
Does anyone else want to tell me how they pictured the poster in their mind? I’d love to here what you think. Thanks 🙂
Klimt’s Kiss Poster
Wow, while reading the evernight series I never once thought of the Klimt’s Kiss poster to look like that. I always pictured it with like real people kissing and not painted/ drawn. But I guess that’s the difference from seeing things in your head and then seeing them in real life.
Does anyone else want to tell me how they pictured the poster in their mind? I’d love to here what you think. Thanks 🙂
It almost with us… I read the firt part that you pliblish in your officail page… O so amazing… I can wait…. it kill it me…. I form Paraguay… a land so so far away
Best wishess
It almost with us… I read the firt part that you pliblish in your officail page… O so amazing… I can wait…. it kill it me…. I form Paraguay… a land so so far away
Best wishess
I think I missed …
I think I missed …