It’s been far too long since I posted, but it’s been a tough few months. My gallbladder decided to stop functioning — so there was surgery — and I had to move — so there was packing, and moving, and unpacking — and then there was a sidewalk slip that left my right arm a sling for a while. Yeesh. My main new year’s resolution is to have a less eventful (and more fun!) 2008.
Certainly, on the book front, things are very exciting. I just got the ARCS of Evernight, and that surreal moment is finally here: It’s a book. It didn’t seem real to me at first, to be honest; when it finally hit me was when I took one ARC home and shelved it on my own bookshelf. A small moment — but that was the single second, aside from the actual news that we’d sold the books, that felt like a turning point to me.
Evernight‘s release date has been moved up, too — to May 27. It will be here before I know it!
Next up for me — getting final revisions done on Stargazer, the sequel to Evernight, and completing my Website copy, so the designer and I can meet our goal of getting the site online in February. After that, it’s time to jump into Hourglass, the third book in the series.
Yeah, I’d better hope 2008 is a little less adventurous than 2007! I’ve got a lot to do.
Including catching up with fangs_fur_fey, and all of you —
28 replies on “in which I am not dead”
Oh, oh, oh, ARCs! I am so excited! *does happy dance*
When do I get to see the cover art? 😀
Oh, oh, oh, ARCs! I am so excited! *does happy dance*
When do I get to see the cover art? 😀
I plan to have it up very soon — maybe later this week!
Yikes! I’m glad you’re back, safe and sound, after all that.
May 27th, eh? That’s exciting.
Happy New Year, Claudia!
Eeeeep, surgery and sidewalk slips =[ Glad to know you’re doing okay now!
I put May 27th on my book release calandar. Excitment~!
Yikes! I’m glad you’re back, safe and sound, after all that.
May 27th, eh? That’s exciting.
Happy New Year, Claudia!
Almost there! And happy new year to you, too.
Eeeeep, surgery and sidewalk slips =[ Glad to know you’re doing okay now!
I put May 27th on my book release calandar. Excitment~!
I’m much relieved to be doing okay myself, these days. Thanks for the good wishes!
Nasty gallbladder…
Ooh, ARCs! And what do we dear blog readers have to do in order to perhaps get our mitts on one? 😉
Have a lovely day! 🙂
Nasty gallbladder…
Ooh, ARCs! And what do we dear blog readers have to do in order to perhaps get our mitts on one? 😉
Have a lovely day! 🙂
I may be having a contest to give away an ARC when my website launches next month. I’ll keep you posted! Hope you had a fabulous weekend.
Welcome back! Yay ARCs!
Welcome back! Yay ARCs!
ARCs! (leaps, grabs, runs) Glad you’re back. 🙂
ARCs! (leaps, grabs, runs) Glad you’re back. 🙂
Glad to be back!
You are very, very busy! Good luck with your NY Resolution! 🙂
You are very, very busy! Good luck with your NY Resolution! 🙂
Thanks for the good wishes!
I plan to have it up very soon — maybe later this week!
Almost there! And happy new year to you, too.
I’m much relieved to be doing okay myself, these days. Thanks for the good wishes!
I may be having a contest to give away an ARC when my website launches next month. I’ll keep you posted! Hope you had a fabulous weekend.
Glad to be back!
Thanks for the good wishes!