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just went to a personal trainer for the first time


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18 replies on “just went to a personal trainer for the first time”

The only time I went to see a personal trainer he told me I was obscenely overweight. Which I absolutely wasn’t, and I actually knew that, but to be told that was so mortifying I never saw him again.

But having someone to motivate you to work out is awesome, so keep it up!

Yes, it was somebody from my gym. I don’t think I can afford the cost/time to go as a regular thing, but I am leaning toward signing up for about three months, with the understanding that the last month would be very targeted toward getting me ready to work on my own.

Your side is indeed an ouchy side.

The only time I went to see a personal trainer he told me I was obscenely overweight. Which I absolutely wasn’t, and I actually knew that, but to be told that was so mortifying I never saw him again.

But having someone to motivate you to work out is awesome, so keep it up!

What an ASS that guy was! I’ve seen your pictures! You are not even in the same hemisphere as — as ANY overweight, much less “obscenely.”

Let us send Jack Bristow to kick that guy’s hiney.

The good kind of pain, definitely. Though I would really like to be able to go down stairs without staggering a la Redd Foxx in “Sanford and Son” again.

Yes, it was somebody from my gym. I don’t think I can afford the cost/time to go as a regular thing, but I am leaning toward signing up for about three months, with the understanding that the last month would be very targeted toward getting me ready to work on my own.

Your side is indeed an ouchy side.

The good kind of pain, definitely. Though I would really like to be able to go down stairs without staggering a la Redd Foxx in “Sanford and Son” again.

What an ASS that guy was! I’ve seen your pictures! You are not even in the same hemisphere as — as ANY overweight, much less “obscenely.”

Let us send Jack Bristow to kick that guy’s hiney.

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