I had more ambitious plans for today’s post, but the head cold I’ve had since Saturday has equally ambitious plans to take over my body and leave me incapable of doing anything but drinking hot tea. So, today I’m just announcing another contest … though for an awesome prize. Do you want a hardcover copy of ONCE IN A FULL MOON by the awesome Ellen Schreiber? You know you do. The heroine, Celeste, already has a perfect boyfriend in Nash … but mystical visions are drawing her to the woods, to legends of werewolves and to the very mysterious, very hot Brandon. This is a juicy read by one of my favorite people, so you should snap this up. How do you win?
The Rules:
1) Send an email to evernightclaudia at gmail dot com with the header “ONCE IN A FULL MOON Contest” or something similar.
2) In this email, include a name and address I can use to ship your prize if you win. (And yes, I’ll ship anywhere.)
3) Also in this email, tell me your best remedy for a head cold. I need to know!
4) Do all this before Friday, Jan. 28, when I’ll pick the winner.
This is a quick one, guys, so act now!
3 replies on “ONCE IN A FULL MOON Contest!”
Thanks for the great giveaway…. hope you can kick the cold soon!
Sorry you’re still sick. Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
Take care, Chrissie
Ohhh I’ve been wanting to read this! Sweet giveaway, hope you feel well soon Claudia!:)