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One more ARC giveaway before the countdown to STEADFAST begins!

It’s five weeks until STEADFAST comes out! I’m so psyched about the prize package we’re putting together for that … but first, have to give away ALL THE ARCs, right? 


Let me begin by congratulating last week’s winners: Sophie Jordan’s UNINVITED goes to Lucas, Leila Sales’ THIS SONG WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE goes to Kelly, and BEFORE MY EYES goes to Caroline! Well-played, you three.

What are this week’s prizes? First of all, a book that is not an ARC, but will get you all caught up on a great series before the next one this summer: INSOMNIA by J.R. Johannson. Parker has suffered four years of insomnia; at night, instead of sleeping, he goes into the dreams of the last person he looked at. The lack of sleep may literally kill him soon. But hope comes in the form of Mia, whose calm, beautiful dreams provide the first peace and rest he’s known in a long time. Yet that very beauty can provide addictive …

Next up we have one of the most hotly anticipated ARCs for this spring: PANIC by Lauren Oliver! Heather never thought she’d compete in Panic, a legendary game played by graduating seniors in her small hometown. She’s never seen herself as fearless – until she finally has something, and someone, to fight for. Dodge, meanwhile, has always thought he was prepared for Panic, because he has a secret that’s going to help him through the game, but it turns out he’s not the only one with secrets.

And finally we have a book that relates to some of the themes coming up in my fall release, A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU – but the time to explain exactly how they’re related will be this fall, when we’re closer to launch. For now, let me just get you excited for SEKRET by Lindsay Smith. Yulia has always hidden her thoughts and controlled her emotions; that’s the only way to survive in Communist Russia — especially for a psychic. But when her powers are discovered, and the KGB drafts her as an unwilling spy, she’s thrown into a world of intrigue and danger where she can trust no one.

How do you win these books? Follow these steps! 

1) Leave a comment on this post saying which of the books you’d like to win, and why you’re interested in reading it.

2) Follow each of the authors (@JennJohansson, @OliverBooks and @LindsaySmithDc) on Twitter – and maybe let them know you’re excited about maybe winning their book. (Authors always LOVE to hear this.) Don’t have a Twitter? Well, find a way to somehow show that you’re excited for these books, whether that’s something on GoodReads, on your own blog if you have one, a pin on Pinterest, something on Tumblr – and link me to it! If you have no other social media, well, then let me know what kinds of prizes you guys like in contests besides books. I’m always curious about this. Actually, the rest of you can chime in on that as well, if you’d like.

3) Do this before Monday, Feb. 10, when I’ll pick winners at random. (Yes, this one is open internationally.)

And spread the word, you guys – I want as many people as possible to get a crack at winning.

Remember, next week we’ll start the big STEADFAST contest and start the one month countdown to the next book in the SPELLCASTER series. I’m so, so psyched to tell you guys what we’ve planned!

29 replies on “One more ARC giveaway before the countdown to STEADFAST begins!”

Glad to hear the good reviews of PANIC and INSOMNIA! And you are now entered for SEKRET. 😀

I want to win PANIC cos I’ve read Delirium trilogy and Oliver is really gooooood! Let’s see what’s in store for us in PANIC 🙂

P.S. I just bought Balthazar and to read it cos I heard it’s a tearjerker :))

Isn’t Lauren the BEST? OK, you’re entered!

(And yay for BALTHAZAR! I hope you enjoy it.)

I would love to win PANIC by Lauren Oliver because she is such an amazing author. I have read all of her YA books and have been anticipating this next book. She’s definitely my favorite author.

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win an arc of Panic by Lauren Oliver! Her Delirium trilogy is one of my favorite book series and I would love to see more of her writing in Panic.

I would love so very much to win an ARC of Lauren Oliver’s Panic because I am a huge fan of her work and I have loved her other books and re-read them over and over. Also, I’ve read the first 4 chapters and it looks AMAZING!! My other choice would be Sekret, as I have learned a lot about Russian and Communist culture in school and I love spies and secrets.

Retweeted your tweet and followed all the authors! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂 I would love to win Panic by Lauren Oliver! I absolutely love her writing and am dying to read something new by her! The idea is great & I am excited and very interested to see how it all plays out! 🙂

Tweeted about the contest and followed all the authors!!
I’d love to get my hands on Panic by Lauren Oliver because it reminds me so much of The Hunger Games. Also I love the delirium trilogy! So excited about Panic.

AH! This is such a hard choice, because I absolutely adore Lauren Oliver and her books, and Panic is one of my most anticipated books this year! It just sounds so mysterious and I want to know more ASAP!! But Sekret sounds so good too! I really love historical type fiction, and a psychic?! AWESOME! In the end, I think I’d pick Panic if I won! Great giveaway Claudia! Thank you!!! I follow all the others, and tweeted! Here’s the link:

All these books sound so fantastic but I am excited to read Sekret by Lindsay Smith because not only do I love spy thrillers and anything with mystery and intrigue but I studied Recent History (it’s a thing) in college because I find Soviet Russia completely fascinating! I can’t remember the last time I wanted to read a book this much!

I love Russian history too (as you will see in my fall book, A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU), so SEKRET was as tempting to me as it is to you. You’re entered!

All of these books sound so amazing! I would love to win Panic by Lauren Oliver, I’m a big fan of the Delirium series and I can’t wait to read more of her work. I’d also pick Sekret by Lindsay Smith, a psychic spy in Communist Russia, sounds so intriguing and interesting, I definitely want to check it out! I followed all the authors on twitter and added all the books to my TBR on Goodreads 🙂

I would love to win SEKRET because it sounds interesting since I share the first name of the main character I definitely am interested in reading it! I also would love to read PANIC I have not read any books by Lauren Oliver but would love to make PANIC the first one! Insomnia Sounds very interesting and refreshing so I would also like to enter to win that book! I have put all three books on my Want to read shelf on Goodreads and I am looking forward to reading all of them!

Such a great books to choose from.. Since I’ve already read and loved Insomnia (super excited for Paranoia!) and actually pre-ordered Sekret, I would love to win Panic. Sounds like a really interesting read and also Oliver’s other books made me such a big fan of her writing. Thanks for a chance to win it! 🙂
Followed all twitter accounts – @_Sandra_R_

Of all the three books for this contest, SEKRET by Lindsay Smith is the one that interests me the most.
I don’t have a twitter account but I have a pinterest account under the name carelaisa – my way to follow authors when they also have a pinterest account!

I would love to win Panic by Lauren Oliver. It sounds like a really good book! It sounds Hunger Game-esque. I followed the authors on Twitter. Thanks for the giveaway!

I neeeed to read Panic by Lauren Oliver so bad. I miss reading her beautiful writing. Thanks so much for this!

I’m so sorry – the contest ended yesterday! But PANIC will be out so soon for you to love —

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