livejournal entry

Our September movie is … ::drum roll::

I LOVE watching movies with you guys via Twitter, and even more do I enjoy turning those movie marathons into contests for you guys. This month – as we all deal with back-to-school, the end of the summer, etc. – I think we need something special to watch. Something extraordinary. Something that, as far as I can tell, has inspired approximately 57% of all posts on Tumblr ever. Yes, we’ll be watching …


This one is going to be a challenge, simply because I don’t know what I can say that will make the film any funnier. Probably it will just be me repeating the best lines over and over. But, because this is “Mean Girls” we’re talking about, that still works.

The WHEN is this coming Thursday, Sept. 26, starting at 8 pm CST. The WHERE is Twitter, with the hashtag #meangirls. As always, the great challenge with the watch-alongs is avoiding being put in Twitter jail, so I might not get to reply/retweet with your best comments right away – but rest assured, I am reading them all!

AND, of course, there’s another prize opportunity for you guys! This time, the prize is BALTHAZAR. (No, not Balty himself, although I feel sure the competition for him would be fierce. The BOOK.) You can win an autographed copy (and yes, I’ll ship internationally) by tweeting, with the hashtag, at the appropriate moment in the film*, “SHE DOESN”T EVEN GO HERE!”

If by some peculiar mischance you have never seen “Mean Girls” before, there’s no time like Thursday night to start. Hope I will get to talk with a lot of you then!

*I’ll allow a minute or two of leeway on that, because I know we won’t all start rewatching at the exact same moment.