So, on my website, it says I like hiking. When I wrote that, it would probably have been more accurate to say that I like the idea of hiking. It just seems like a pleasant way to spend time. Beautiful scenery! Fresh air! Reveling in health and vitality! Wearing casual-yet-fetching clothes made of natural fibers! And then you get into an SUV conveniently parked in the most scenic vista of all and drive home. Obviously most of my knowledge of this is taken from commercials.
However, I am calling my own bluff and have joined a local hiking club. I won’t actually go on my first hike until next month, but that’s good — that gives me a few weekends to tromp around in the park and break in my boots. I have a feeling that March in upstate New York may somehow prove less warm/sunny/radiant than my mental image. On the other hand, if I make it through that, I should be fine when the weather actually gets nice, right?
I have another reason for starting this now: A good friend and I are planning a trip to South America this fall. (I am insanely excited about this, but will burble about it later, ad nauseum, so am refraining here.) When we do that, there will be some hiking involved, and I’d rather be really in-shape and ready for it.
(Though when I read the vacation brochures, they helpfully explain that among the wondrous wildlife I can expect to see is the puma. I really do not wish to encounter a puma in the wild. It would be highly ironic if, after a life spent indoors as much as possible, I finally became outdoorsy and were eaten by a puma for my pains. If that DOES happen, though, I want that on my tombstone. BORN 1970, DEVOURED BY PUMA 2008.) (ETA: In fact, I think I want that on my tombstone no matter what.)
No pumas in upstate New York, though. I think.
I’ll report on the hike in March!
In news, my wonderfab designer and I finally figured out what to do for wallpapers and icons. (We’d hoped to use elements from the book jacket, but legal considerations cruelly interfered.) So we ought to have something ready within a couple of weeks —