livejournal entry

Paperbacks, tour dates

I got to have a talk with the publisher on Monday, which is why I now have all sorts of new information. First of all, I received my first copies of the EVERNIGHT paperback, and they look fabulous. I admit, I was a little worried about how the cover would look in paperback, but the results are pretty amazing. The paperback will reach stores on Feb. 10, which is coming right up!

I also learned a little more about my appearances this summer. At this point, it looks like I’ll be visiting Seattle and Portland in early June. Nothing else thus far, but I’m going to try to set up some additional cities over the summer.

Since I began typing this post, a plane has gone down in the Hudson River, literally about 8 or 9 blocks from here. Sirens everywhere. I’m so thankful that some of the passengers have gotten out and hope they all have.

14 replies on “Paperbacks, tour dates”

Good paperback cover YAY! Portland reading Double-YAY!

ETA: after posting this comment I finished reading the last sentence of your entry: YIKES!

Oh My, that is scary. Was it a big plane or a small one?

I’m really glad about your paperback books coming out. I still can’t wait for your next book to come out. 🙂

Good paperback cover YAY! Portland reading Double-YAY!

ETA: after posting this comment I finished reading the last sentence of your entry: YIKES!

Oh My! I’m so sorry for that people. I hope they can get out the plane and be safe.

So, paperback in February? Is the image on the cover the same?

You really should convince them to make an european tour! That would be soo cool!

Oh My, that is scary. Was it a big plane or a small one?

I’m really glad about your paperback books coming out. I still can’t wait for your next book to come out. 🙂

Oh My! I’m so sorry for that people. I hope they can get out the plane and be safe.

So, paperback in February? Is the image on the cover the same?

You really should convince them to make an european tour! That would be soo cool!

That plane crash made the front page of my paper. That is so lucky everyone is okay.

I’m excited for the paperback!!

That plane crash made the front page of my paper. That is so lucky everyone is okay.

I’m excited for the paperback!!

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