
PERSONAL DEMONS Contest #1 ends, and PD Contest #2 begins!

First of all, congratulations to the winner of PERSONAL DEMONS Contest #1, Jansci C.! There were a ton of good entries, and some time this weekend, I’ll post a summary of your thoughts about the personal demons of the characters in the EVERNIGHT series — you guys had some really compelling answers.

(Why am I not posting this right now? As those of you who follow me on Twitter know, my brother and nephew are visiting Chicago this week, so I’ve been extremely busy. The planetarium! The Sears Tower! Navy Pier! You name it. So I will need more time to (a) sleep for a zillion years and recover and (b) post.)

But I can wait no longer before announcing PERSONAL DEMONS Contest #2! The loot: A much-sought-after ARC of Lisa Desrochers’ PERSONAL DEMONS, along with two more awesome ARCs — LEGACIES, the first book in the upcoming Shadow Grail series, from Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill; and ALL THAT LIVES MUST DIE by Eric Nylund, the sequel to MORTAL COILS. So we are talking about some amazing reads here. How can you be the lucky winner?

1) Send me an email at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com with the subject line “PERSONAL DEMONS Contest #2.”

2) In this email, tell me whether you believe in angels, demons or both!

3) Include an address where I can send your books if you win. (And yes, I’ll ship anywhere — though at this point, if the winner is Australian, I might just bring them down there with me!)

4) Do all this before Tuesday, August 3, when I’ll pick the winner at random.

Good luck, everybody!

First of all, congratulations to the winner of PERSONAL DEMONS Contest #1, Jansci C.! There were a ton of good entries, and some time this weekend, I’ll post a summary of your thoughts about the personal demons of the characters in the EVERNIGHT series — you guys had some really compelling answers.

(Why am I not posting this right now? As those of you who follow me on Twitter know, my brother and nephew are visiting Chicago this week, so I’ve been extremely busy. The planetarium! The Sears Tower! Navy Pier! You name it. So I will need more time to (a) sleep for a zillion years and recover and (b) post.)

But I can wait no longer before announcing PERSONAL DEMONS Contest #2! The loot: A much-sought-after ARC of Lisa Desrochers’ PERSONAL DEMONS, along with two more awesome ARCs — LEGACIES, the first book in the upcoming Shadow Grail series, from Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill; and ALL THAT LIVES MUST DIE by Eric Nylund, the sequel to MORTAL COILS. So we are talking about some amazing reads here. How can you be the lucky winner?

1) Send me an email at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com with the subject line “PERSONAL DEMONS Contest #2.”

2) In this email, tell me whether you believe in angels, demons or both!

3) Include an address where I can send your books if you win. (And yes, I’ll ship anywhere — though at this point, if the winner is Australian, I might just bring them down there with me!)

4) Do all this before Tuesday, August 3, when I’ll pick the winner at random.

Good luck, everybody!