livejournal entry

Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Wretch Day bunt, Mary Worth

I would love to have something to post for the first (annual) Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Wretch Day, a movement started within sfwa to share work for free. Why? Because it’s a good way for readers to find writers they like and then, we hope, buy more of their work.

However, I have nothing to offer. I’ve been so wrapped up in completing Evernight (STILL working on synopses) that I’ve had no time to prepare anything shorter, and I’m such a noob to the published-writer thing that I don’t know the rules about posting any snippets of the book itself. So I simply have to promise to play next year (should this become a regular thing) and to spend some quality time this afternoon surfing around and reading all the goodies sure to be posted on LJ.

(Of course, as a fanfic writer, I’ve been giving it away for free since about 1994. So I’m pixel-stained enough for now.)

Does everyone else out there read The Comics Curmudgeon every day? Because if you ever read the comics page of a newspaper — especially if you ever found yourself getting caught up in a soap comic against your will — you will never stop laughing.