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Read A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU? Got questions? Ask away!

First and foremost, if you haven’t read A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU yet, read no further into this post! Everything after the jump may be spoilery as all get out. However, if you have read ATPOY already …


… it’s possible you might have some questions for me. So, ask away! I’ll answer in comments and/or add the Q&A to this post.

I’ll kick things off with two questions I’ve already been asked several times:

1. When does the second Firebird book come out?

November 2015! Yes, that’s a while from now – but I plan to write several short stories that I’ll post on Wattpad (maybe here, too) to tide you guys over. Each of the universes has its own stories to tell, after all, plus I think some scenes will be fun from other characters’ POV. Related to this: I might not be able to read it for legal reasons, but if I don’t hear about some ATPOY fanfic showing up out there, I’m going to be super disappointed.

2. Is Marguerite’s nickname, Meg, a shout-out to A WRINKLE IN TIME?

As much as I love A WRINKLE IN TIME — and as inspirational as it was for some core aspects of the book — the nickname actually isn’t a reference to that at all. In fact, if I’d thought of it, I would’ve had Triadverse Theo call her something else, for short. The reason I never thought of it, I guess, is that everyone else in her life, even her own world’s Theo, only calls her by her full name. To everybody else, she’s Marguerite.


Oh, and nobody’s asked me this, but it might be handy as reference:

3. What shorthand did you use for each universe? 

I call them the “Londonverse,” the “Russiaverse,” the “Triadverse” and the “Oceanverse.”


So, any more questions for me?



Thought I’d also add info about a couple other cool things happening soon:

Tomorrow, starting at 6 pm EST/5 pm CST, I’ll be interviewed on Twitter by the one and only Lauren Oliver! All you have to do is follow one or both of us via Twitter and check it out.

And through Monday, November 17, you can enter the Epic Reads ATPOY Contest, in which you can win a $150 travel gift card, a poster and bookmark, and a copy of the book. Ten runners up will get the poster, bookmark and the book. Of course, if you obeyed my spoiler warnings above, you haven’t read this post unless you’ve already read the book — but hey, the holidays are coming up. You could give ATPOY as a gift to a friend, while clinging to the beautiful swag for yourself. 😀

24 replies on “Read A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU? Got questions? Ask away!”

First of all I just want to say OMG ATPOY IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED it!!!!!!!!!
I cannot wait for firebird #2 so my question is do you have a title for the second one yet? And do you have any ideas on how you would like the second book cover to look?

Wooohoo — thank you SO MUCH for this, Tenisha! I’m thrilled you enjoyed it. 😀 We’ll be announcing the name of the second book soon, but I can tell you that I’ve already seen the cover and — wait for it — I think it might be EVEN BETTER than the first one.

I think I answered you on another post, but just in case – click the W button on my social-media links here on my website, and you’ll be set!

First of all, ATPOY is an amazing book, I loved it! My question is: Where did you get the inspiration for the book? Or who inspired you the write such an amazing book?

I am so, so glad you enjoyed A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU! The inspiration came, weirdly enough, from a book tour; I went all over the US and Australia with a group of other authors and a publicist, and somehow I became taken by the idea of visiting different worlds, but always with the same people. It all sprang from there!

I loved this book so much! I literally read it in a single day. My friend gave it to me I guess from off of one of her shelves at her house, and she hadn’t read it, but I was so glad she picked this one! She actually gave me a copy that says it’s “Uncorrected Proof”, and the cover is black and has the label “FINAL ART TO COME”. I was wondering what exactly that means about this copy and if there’s only a specific way to get it.

What you have is an ARC, or an Advance Readers’ Copy. This is an early version of the book, before final edits — and, in this case, before we had the final cover. The books are usually given out to bloggers and other reviewers, who sometimes have contests to give them away. So those are the most likely ways for your friend to have gotten it.

So glad that you enjoyed A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU!

A Thousand Pieces of You was a great read, and I’m seriously counting down the months till November next year (ahh!) On a side note though, I am a little confused about Theo’s character. Was he ‘himself’ during the whole book, or had the other Theo taken him over from the beginning and we only got to see the real Theo right at the very end? And tbh, I am Team Theo all the way! Paul seems a bit… fishy.

Thanks heaps, and have fun writing! ~ Indy

It is a total thrill to hear you enjoyed A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU! To answer your question: Yes, Theo was only “our” Theo during the end section and a couple of the flashbacks. But never fear: I promise you’ll be spending a lot more time with the “real” Theo in book two. 😀

oh thank you so much 🙂 anyway, may I just ask if what is the connection of Orphan Black and Cloud Atlas with ATPOY? 🙂 It puzzles me

I can’t wait for the 2nd book! 😀
I read in this blog that you will post mini-stories about the different verses on Wattpad, so are you going to write something soon about the Grand Duchess in Russiaverse long after the rebellion? Particular about the possible “danger”?

PS: I absolutely love that dimension! 🙂

I am indeed going to post mini-stories about the different universes on Wattpad! In fact, I have one almost ready to go — like, mere lines from being done — but I am on the deadline that ate all deadlines at the present, and absolutely everything else has had to take a back seat for a bit. You can count on some stories about the Russiaverse for sure! Thanks for the question. 😀

I’m totally in love with ATPOY! Bits of Physics made it so much interesting for me (not to mention that awesome cover)! You said that the second book will be released on Nov 2015 but I’m so curious… Have you started writing it like, a couple of chapters done already at this moment?

Thank you so much!! I’m thrilled you enjoyed it, cover, physics, and all. As for the second book in the trilogy, I’ve actually already completed it! Right now we’re waiting for the formatting, layout, etc. But we should have a title and cover announcement soon!

Just wanted to say, my BFF and I are 33yr old girls that decided to read this book together — It took us less than a full day to finish it — so good & we can’t wait for book 2!

That’s so great to hear! Absolutely thrilled you guys enjoyed it, and I hope you’ll like book two as well!

I loved the book! But I am still sort of confused about when Meg realizes Theo was….um… not the same Theo. Was Theo the spy starting from when they switched dimensions for the first time….or when did Theo become the spy for Conley? (Sry im so confused!)


Marguerite (only called Meg by Triadverse Theo – remember!) realizes, correctly, that Theo has been Triadverse Theo since before the beginning of the book. Basically, Triadverse Theo took over Our Theo during the last couple months of work on the Firebird. The only place in ATPOY that she interacts with Our Theo is in the final chapter. (However, you’ll see much more of Our Theo in the sequel …)

I loooove A Thousand Pieces of You! Wait, love is an understatement! It kept me awake all night reading and it was magical, thank you! I’m team Paul! He’s basically my ideal guy HAHAHA anyway, I’m just wondering, if Marguerite’s firebird got broken in Russiaverse, and when she removed it from her neck so that Henry could fix it, how did she manage to remember herself? Is it because dimension-travel works different on her? Thank you!

P.S. November is my birthmonth, ATPOY’s second book would be the greatest birthday gift everrrr

More power! ;u;

wait i was still on chapter 20 when i sent that HAHAHAHAHA now im on chapter 24 aaand i know the answer to my question lmao but still the book is fantastic!! can’t wait to get my hands on ten thousand skies above you! 😉 more power!!

Hi, Eria! Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you. As for your question about Marguerite’s memory in the Russiaverse, you are exactly right — her memory is unchanged because she’s a “perfect traveler.” You’ll learn more about what perfect travelers can do in book two …

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