“In Defy the Stars, a new YA novel from Star Wars: Lost Stars and Star Wars: Bloodline author Claudia Gray, a young soldier named Noemi is enmeshed in an intergalactic war — while also fighting a more philosophical battle closer to home. You see, there’s a robot, Abel, who’s programmed to obey her, but if her plans go into place, the robot could end up dying — and, Westworld-style, he seems a whole lot more like a living, feeling being than a collection of metal and computer chips.
Before Defy the Stars‘ publication on April 4, EW is excited to reveal the book’s first two chapters, and its gorgeous, explosive cover”
Read more at http://ew.com/books/2017/01/20/read-an-excerpt-from-claudia-grays-defy-the-stars/