livejournal entry

same party, different room

You will have noticed that I don’t blog here as often as I used to. This is not b/c I’m reaching out less, but more of my activity has moved to my Facebook account (search for author Claudia Gray) and Twitter (ditto). I believe I’m linked on the website. These are the places to look day to day. That said, I’m certainly not giving up the blog, and when the happy day arrives that I can go FT as a writer, I may yet turn into a constant poster.

I got my HOURGLASS ARCs in today! Imagine my surprise — isn’t this very early for a March 2010 release? Not sure. At any rate, no giveaways yet, but the time shall come. Watch this space.

In the meantime, enjoy the combined hilarity of Eddie Izzard, Star Wars and Legos (warning, adult language!):

38 replies on “same party, different room”

Awesome on the ARCs! 🙂 Would love to read and review again on my blog! 🙂

Glad to see you post! I follow you on Twitter and Facebook so I see you active.

Awesome on the ARCs! 🙂 Would love to read and review again on my blog! 🙂

Glad to see you post! I follow you on Twitter and Facebook so I see you active.

Loved your books!

Hi i’m Hannah from Australia and I just read your book Evernight! I thought it was absolutely brilliant and I couldn’t put it down! Loved the storyline, loved everything about it 🙂 It is easily, my favourite book, and i can’t wait to buy Stargazer! 🙂

Loved your books!

Hi i’m Hannah from Australia and I just read your book Evernight! I thought it was absolutely brilliant and I couldn’t put it down! Loved the storyline, loved everything about it 🙂 It is easily, my favourite book, and i can’t wait to buy Stargazer! 🙂

Hourglass. Can’t. Wait.
Maybe…you could give us the first chapter…pweety pweese????
Or I’ll just re-read Stargazer…
But first chapter would be cool too!
Love your books.

Hourglass. Can’t. Wait.
Maybe…you could give us the first chapter…pweety pweese????
Or I’ll just re-read Stargazer…
But first chapter would be cool too!
Love your books.


lol! that eddie-star wars-lego segment was hilarious! i just spent some time viewing the other creations. also, wanted to say congrats on Hourglass. I just finished Evernight and loved it. Look forward to reading Stargazer next. Thanks for the fun reads.


lol! that eddie-star wars-lego segment was hilarious! i just spent some time viewing the other creations. also, wanted to say congrats on Hourglass. I just finished Evernight and loved it. Look forward to reading Stargazer next. Thanks for the fun reads.


I think you should release Hourglass sooner then you where going to. I bet a lot of people are wating for it to come out because we have read the first two already, so it would be coll if you were to relaese it sooner then you planed to.


I think you should release Hourglass sooner then you where going to. I bet a lot of people are wating for it to come out because we have read the first two already, so it would be coll if you were to relaese it sooner then you planed to.


i pre-ordered hourglass just a little bit ago, then commenced running around like a maniac.seriously, i think my mother was about to eat me… but i couldn’t help it!! I’M SO EXCITED!! so excited… you kno, i’m not very patient. perhaps i will hang… someone from the ceiling and prod them with a pointed stick until i get to read hourglass.. i am a woman of action!! but maybe a chapter would calm my sadistic streak..? lol. .look at me, threatning people. jokes, jokes…. when is hourglass preview coming out?!? *wails*

Re: torture…?

haha i would so be there with a pointy stink… i can’t wait either i wish she could release hourglass earlier!!!Or a chapter…maybe two or three…NOPE the whole thing!!!!


i pre-ordered hourglass just a little bit ago, then commenced running around like a maniac.seriously, i think my mother was about to eat me… but i couldn’t help it!! I’M SO EXCITED!! so excited… you kno, i’m not very patient. perhaps i will hang… someone from the ceiling and prod them with a pointed stick until i get to read hourglass.. i am a woman of action!! but maybe a chapter would calm my sadistic streak..? lol. .look at me, threatning people. jokes, jokes…. when is hourglass preview coming out?!? *wails*


I LOVE the Evernight series and can’t wait till Hourglass comes out! All the characters in Evernight are amazing and I am loving the wraith plotline!


I LOVE the Evernight series and can’t wait till Hourglass comes out! All the characters in Evernight are amazing and I am loving the wraith plotline!


Hey Claudia

i so far love the evernight series and i can’t wait for Hourglass..and i was wondering if you could release Hourglass earlier…pretty please. Oh, and how many books is there going to be in the Evernight series? i know Evernight, Stargazer, Hourglass, Afterlife,?, and that Balthazar is going to have his own book!!!

Re: torture…?

haha i would so be there with a pointy stink… i can’t wait either i wish she could release hourglass earlier!!!Or a chapter…maybe two or three…NOPE the whole thing!!!!


Hey Claudia

i so far love the evernight series and i can’t wait for Hourglass..and i was wondering if you could release Hourglass earlier…pretty please. Oh, and how many books is there going to be in the Evernight series? i know Evernight, Stargazer, Hourglass, Afterlife,?, and that Balthazar is going to have his own book!!!

Well I sure hope Hourglass releases sooner than expected. Im waiting to read what the next book has to give my imagination… 🙂

Well I sure hope Hourglass releases sooner than expected. Im waiting to read what the next book has to give my imagination… 🙂


I actually just posted this book on my “Waiting on Wednesdays”. I look forward to this book, just as much, if not more than Vampire Academy’s “Blood Promise”. I hope you have a contest because I would definitely enter.


I actually just posted this book on my “Waiting on Wednesdays”. I look forward to this book, just as much, if not more than Vampire Academy’s “Blood Promise”. I hope you have a contest because I would definitely enter.


Claudia Gray is the most awesomest writer ever!!!!!!!!!
Will The Evernight Series ever be a movie???
OMG. that would be soooooooooooo cool.
I love Reading soo much. One day i found Evernight in the shop.
I read it and fell in love with the story!!!
You describe everything sooo well!


Claudia Gray is the most awesomest writer ever!!!!!!!!!
Will The Evernight Series ever be a movie???
OMG. that would be soooooooooooo cool.
I love Reading soo much. One day i found Evernight in the shop.
I read it and fell in love with the story!!!
You describe everything sooo well!

Candy- OMG, I can’t wait till Hourglass comes out, I love your work, I’ve even got my fiance into it too and were both rereading your books so many times, i cant wait till theres something new, i really cant put them down

Candy- OMG, I can’t wait till Hourglass comes out, I love your work, I’ve even got my fiance into it too and were both rereading your books so many times, i cant wait till theres something new, i really cant put them down


this is my favorite post of yours bc i love this video and just today as i was looking through your posts again i realized that you posted this on my birthday! i dont know why i find this entertaining but im pretty sure its because your my favorite author so yay!


this is my favorite post of yours bc i love this video and just today as i was looking through your posts again i realized that you posted this on my birthday! i dont know why i find this entertaining but im pretty sure its because your my favorite author so yay!

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