livejournal entry

Sign up for the newsletter, WIN BOOKS by Laurie Halse Anderson, Natalie D. Richards and Colleen Gleason!

If you haven’t gotten your hands on Laurie Halse Anderson’s latest, THE IMPOSSIBLE KNIFE OF MEMORY, I know you are dying to get it. Or what about SIX MONTHS LATER, the psychological thriller from Natalie D. Richards? And there is no such thing as too much steampunk YA, particularly when the heroines are Bram Stoker’s sister and Sherlock Holmes’ niece, so you’ll want to check out THE CLOCKWORK SCARAB, too. Well, now you can win all three —ย 


All you have to do is – sign up for my newsletter.

What newsletter? you may be saying. It’s going to be a new one, and we would like to get it together in the next few weeks. For this, I need to collect addresses. So here’s what you do to win ALL THREE of the above books:

1) Either comment here or send me an email at evernightclaudia at with the subject headed, “Newsletter – Week One!”

2) Include in your comment or your email a way for me to get in touch with you if you win.

3) Live in the United States or Canada. (I know! I know! But don’t worry, international readers – I will have contests open to you guys very, very soon.)

4) Do all of these things before Tuesday, January 21, when I will pick the winner at random.

That’s it! Rest assured, you will not be spammed with ninety zillion newsletters from me every day, nor will these addresses ever be sold or shared with a commercial concern. You’re safe with me, she cooed, stroking her white persian cat as she lounged in her supervillain lair beneath a volcano. Or something like that.

And while I’m here, I should mention two important things:

A) All of these books are fantastic. If you can guess where the twists in SIX MONTHS LATER are headed, then you are way smarter than me, and possibly than anybody else, as it is one that keeps you guessing (and has one of my favorite Hot Guys in recent YA, Adam). THE CLOCKWORK SCARAB is so true to the old Arthur Conan Doyle mysteries that any fans of “Elementary,” “Sherlock” and/or the Robert Downey Jr. Holmes movies will be immediately hooked. And THE IMPOSSIBLE KNIFE OF MEMORY – it’s Laurie Halse Anderson, need I say more? As always, her characters are impossibly torn and incredibly real.

B) STEADFAST is coming your way in less than two months! Are you ready?


ETA: Contest extended until Wednesday, January 22, because I’ve got an awful cold and haven’t been able to assemble all the entries! But that just gives you more time to sign up –

11 replies on “Sign up for the newsletter, WIN BOOKS by Laurie Halse Anderson, Natalie D. Richards and Colleen Gleason!”

Hey, I want to sign up for โ€œNewsletter โ€“ Week One!โ€

My info to reach me are in this post – well, the way you can read them when we post something… and I live in Canada.

You’ve got it! Sorry to be so slow in approving this – the website isn’t giving me notifications right now. HMM. But you are entered, and there’s an extra day and everything.

Thanks, Candis! You’re signed up for the contest – and I’m giving it an extra day, so winners tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚

This looks great, I want to sign up!
My email is letty1614(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thanks so much ๐Ÿ™‚

That contest is over, Tenisha – but we’ve got a new one going now if you’d like to sign up!

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