blog tour contests livejournal entry

STEADFAST’s launch! Let me explain. No, it will take too long. Let me sum up.

(You guys know what movie the blog title is from, right?)

STEADFAST is out in the wild, roaming free!  The second book in the SPELLCASTER trilogy made its debut Tuesday — Mardi Gras — which meant I got to celebrate by wearing a glitter top hat. (I mean, I would probably have worn that anyway, but Mardi Gras allowed me to do so in public without anyone blinking twice.) So you only have until this Tuesday to get in on the contest fun — 


Just to reiterate: If you preordered STEADFAST, or you buy it during its first week of release, send me the proof (screenshot, photo) at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com before the end of the day on Tuesday, March 11. Do this, and you will be entered to win the grand prize, a $50 gift certificate to the bookstore of your choice — or one of the second prizes, which are awesome exclusive STEADFAST mugs. And EVERYONE who enters gets a STEADFAST bookmark. That’s right, every single one of you.

(Which reminds me – put a mailing address in that email you send me, okay?)

Just in case you did not see the glorious last week, four fabulous book blogs hosted the chapter reveals for the first four chapters of STEADFAST —  Mundie Moms– Chapter 1; Jean Book Nerd– Chapter 2;  Two Chicks on Books – Chapter 3; and Novel Novice– Chapter 4. The deeply awesome Novel Novice has made STEADFAST its book of the month for March, so you’ll want to check there for lots of exclusive content (and yet another contest.)

The blog tour is still underway, too, as is that Rafflecopter for the contest with signed hardcover copies of STEADFAST and swag bookmarks. Check out the stops here:

Week One:
2/24/2014- Fiktshun– Guest Post   
2/25/2014- Two Chicks on Books– Guest Post
2/26/2014- Fantasy Book Addict– Interview
2/27/2014- Magical Urban Fantasy Reads– Character interview with Verlaine
2/28/2014- Jenna Does Books– Author interview.
Week Two:
3/3/2014- Mundie Moms– Review and bloggers favorite excerpt
3/4/2014- Parajunkee– Interview
3/5/2014- Bookalicious– Guest Post
3/6/2014- Tales of a Ravenous Reader– Guest Post
3/7/2014- YA Sisterhood– Guest Post  
I am currently in Arlington, VA, getting ready for the NoVa Teen Book Fest! Hope those of you in the DC area will come out to meet me (and all the oodles of other YA authors who will be there) this Saturday!