Do you want to get a look inside the world(s) of A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU to pique your curiosity? Do you also want to win a YA book? Any YA book you desire? Of course you do! Read on to find out how:
Tag: a thousand pieces of you
So this is Wattpad, hmm?
First of all, huge congratulations go out to Tenisha, the winner of the A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU cover contest! But thanks go to every single one of you who entered. The response to the cover and the book has been beyond my wildest dreams, and I’m deeply grateful for every single entry, tweet, Goodreads shelving, you name it. This week’s contest will be a lot simpler. Yes, there’s a brand new contest —
I’ve been teasing you guys with bits and pieces of info about A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU, but until last week we didn’t have a final cover. But now we have one! Do you want to see it? You do. You really, really do.