livejournal entry

HOURGLASS Contest #2!

First it’s time to announce the winners of HOURGLASS Contest #1 — congratulations to Alicia S., Natascha T., Ashlyn G., Ashly F. and Kim W.! I’ve emailed all of you guys to get the addresses for your signed advance copies of HOURGLASS. Hope you will enjoy it!

This is my absolute favorite contest I’ve ever held, because it was so much fun to read your entries. Bianca seems to be the overall favorite, with most people saying that they liked her strength; Balthazar and Lucas came in a mutual second, with most people liking Balty’s kindness and gentlemanly behavior, and Lucas’ ability to overlook his old prejudices. (Both men were also repeatedly cited as having sexiness in their favor.) Vic was fourth, with a lot of love for his good nature and Hawaiian shirts. But there were votes for Raquel, for Courtney, for Patrice, for Celia, for Mrs. Bethany (with one brave soul who wanted her for her English teacher!) and for Ranulf (who had one person describe his bowl haircut as “hot,” which just goes to show there’s someone for everyone.) I loved hearing everyone’s reasons for who they connected to and why, so I want to thank absolutely everyone who entered; this was a total joy.

(Also, it was awesome that, though I chose the winners totally at random, I ended up with five different favorite characters: Bianca, Balthazar, Lucas, Raquel and Patrice. Very cool!)

Now, for HOURGLASS Contest #2! If there is one thing I love to do, it’s buy and read books. So tell me: What books (besides HOURGLASS, naturally) are out there now that you’ve been meaning to read, but haven’t gotten around to yet? This contest lets me create a cheat sheet of great YA I might have missed (heh heh, I am sneaky), but it also means that five lucky winners will receive the book of their choice! I’ll send it directly to you.

The rules:

1) Send your entries to evernightclaudia at gmail dot com, with the subject line HOURGLASS Contest #2.
2) Please include the address where I should send your book — and yes, I will ship anywhere.
3) Although I am looking forward to many upcoming releases, please stick to books that are available now (and, if you need a book in another language, that is available in your language already). It will allow me to get the prizes to you a lot faster!
4) Remember, tell me the title, the author and why you’re looking forward to it.
5) I’ll pick the winners next Tuesday, March 16.

Good luck, everyone!

ETA: I am only now sending out my ARCs, due to sickness, the need to finish AFTERLIFE and, uh, sucking. But a lot of people who requested one did not give me their address! I’m going to put these in the mail tomorrow, so feel free to drop me a line (same email as above, with ARC as the subject line) with your blog and your address, and I’ll send out as many as I have left!

livejournal entry

HOURGLASS Contest #1!

Yes, it’s that time of year again! We’re at five weeks (whoa!) until the release of HOURGLASS. Finally, at last, I have a few copies in my hot little hands … and I am giving away FIVE signed copies (early!) to winners who will be chosen at random from those who answer this question:

Which character in the EVERNIGHT series is your favorite, and why?

(And yes, I will pick the winners at random, so there is no wrong answer.)

To enter, send an email to evernightclaudia at gmail dot com, with the subject line “HOURGLASS Contest #1.” I’ll pick the winner on Feb. 9, which I believe is also the release date for the STARGAZER paperback! You’ll get your copies at least a few weeks before the book is available in stores.

More info and more contests to come; now that I am finally recovering from a very nasty illness, I am going to be able to invest some imagination into these — and the prizes — hmmm —