livejournal entry

the blog awakens from the dead!

In very vampiric fashion!

At first I wasn’t posting much because (a) we were low on news, and (b) I’ve moved my more frequent updates to Facebook and Twitter (where you should follow me, if you aren’t already!) — but that only explains about two of the last five months. The rest of it got swallowed up in:

* my big move from NYC to Chicago, and from having a day job to writing full-time (hurray!),
* plans to move this from LJ to WordPress, which are still in the works, and
* the writing frenzy I went into to complete the first draft of AFTERLIFE (hurray!).

And then I was thinking, well, if I’m coming back to the blog, I need a BIG IMPRESSIVE POST, full of vacation pictures and the like, but then nothing ever seemed impressive enough, and nothing ever would be unless an exboyfriend showed up and needed my help to find the Ark of The Covenant or similar. (To date, no such luck.)

So finally I am breaking my silence to announce that my first act, upon receiving the long-desired Wii system from my brother, was to build Miis in the form of all the EVERNIGHT characters. At press time, Raquel had just wiped up the bowling alley with Lucas and Vic.

More news fairly soon, but probably after Christmas, so happy holidays — all the holidays — to everyone who celebrates. 😀