livejournal entry

THE LAST MIDNIGHT SPELL (a SPELLCASTER novella) – plus, contest!

So, you’ve read SPELLCASTER and can’t wait for more, but you have to somehow make it through the arduous months before STEADFAST arrives in March. Or maybe you haven’t yet dipped into the new series, but you’re curious. In either case, you’re in luck ..


Hope you guys have seen this: —

But if you haven’t, it’s THE FIRST MIDNIGHT SPELL, a novella that takes you back to the beginning. The summary: It’s 1695, and Elizabeth Cooper is a young witch in Fortune’s Sound, Rhode Island. She spends her days perfecting spells with the local coven and dreaming about one day marrying Nat Porter. But Nat is the son of Widow Porter, another witch and the leader of their coven. According to the First Laws of the Craft, Elizabeth is strictly forbidden to marry him.

Elizabeth never imagined dabbling in the dark arts, bringing herself close to serving the One Beneath. But as she feels Nat slipping away from her, she will do anything to secure his love. How much harm could she do with one single spell, even if it is black magic?

If you have already read SPELLCASTER, you may have an idea how her plan turns out.. Whether you have or haven’t, though, I think you’ll love sinking into that world again, and learning more about the magical system at work. The novella comes out November 5!

Now, those of you who follow me on Twitter know that I sent to SIBA this weekend and RACKED UP on the books. Seriously, a box full AND a bag full and I’m not even counting the ones I’m selfishly keeping for myself. I’ve got both some of the best new releases AND some ARCs for the most-anticipated books of the spring. And we’re going to get the giveaways going right now.

The prize: Copies of both THE CHAOS OF STARS by the faboo Kiersten White and THE DREAM THIEVES by the one and only Maggie Stiefvater. That’s right; you’ll win not one book but two!

The rules: Tweet (with the hashtag #fms) or blog about THE FIRST MIDNIGHT SPELL (you can link me to your blog entry or comment or whatever here at this post) between now and Monday, September 30. Let me and everyone else know you’re looking forward to THE FIRST MIDNIGHT SPELL or have already preordered it, and let me know about it, and you’re entered! (If someone comes up with a cool Tumblr post about the novella, tweet me about that and not only will be entered, but I’ll reblog the heck out of it!)

What happens if you win: If you entered via Twitter or Tumblr, I’ll be able to contact you via those sites. If you leave a comment on this post to refer me to another entry, be sure to leave an email address where I can reach you!

Who’s eligible? Everybody. I’ll ship internationally.


Got it? Great! Can’t wait to give out these two awesome books.


In other news, DON’T FORGET our rewatch of “Mean Girls” on Twitter this Thursday, starting at 8 pm CST!

12 replies on “THE LAST MIDNIGHT SPELL (a SPELLCASTER novella) – plus, contest!”

I don have twitter or a blog so is it ok if I just enter through the comments? If so I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE FIRST MIDNIGHT SPELL!!!!!!!! It will be nice to learn about Elizabeth’s backstory and what made her who she is today. I hope I win! 🙂

I just started Spellcaster and I’m loving it, can’t wait to continue the series.

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