contests livejournal entry

The STEADFAST launch contest winners!

The grand-prize winner of the STEADFAST launch contest is … drum roll please …



Eliza K! Congrats to Eliza, who will get a $50 gift certificate to the bookstore of her choice, plus a STEADFAST bookmark in the mail.

The second prizes, the exclusive STEADFAST mugs, go to Rachel H., Wendy W., Ashley B., Donna S., Fay R., Jamie R., Fran A., Jennie C., Sherry J., and Sarah R.! ย And, as promised, every single one of you who entered will get a bookmark. I hope to get all of this in the mail next week; forgive me, but I’m going to need a while to address all these envelopes. ๐Ÿ™‚

Now that STEADFAST is in stores, and I’m waiting on final-final-final edits for SORCERESS (how is this trilogy done already? How?), I’m turning to brainstorming the second book in the FIREBIRD trilogy. Plus I’m working on line edits (the very last stage of the game, so far as edit changes go) for the first one, A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU. While I will still be talking with you guys about the Spellcaster trilogy for a while, look for more and more science fiction talk as spring turns into summer.

Now, I am going to address envelopes until I fall asleep.

One reply on “The STEADFAST launch contest winners!”

Good luck Claudia! Thank you for this contest! I can not wait to make a review on my blog and hope you read it! Really i can’t wait to have this book on my hands. If you could consider my name as a future caracter i’ll send you thousands of chocolate! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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