
This one’s for the AFTERLIFE ARCs: Welcome to AUTUMN GIVEAWAY EXTRAVAGANZA Contest #10!

I’m slightly under the weather today, but not so much that I forgot to pick the winners of Contest #9: Congrats to Viki S. and Kelsie K! One of these ladies put “surprise me” as her choice, so I won’t say what they’ve got here, but their books will be en route shortly.

I also got to take a look at you guys’ Halloween candy preferences. While chocolate is, as always, a dominant force, and candy corn has a surprising number of adherents, it looks to me like the Reese’s company basically has Halloween sewn up. The peanut butter cups, the peanut butter pumpkins, Reese’s Pieces — you guys are crazy for the stuff! Now I know what to bring to future book signings ….

And now, the contest you’ve all been waiting for – AUTUMN GIVEAWAY EXTRAVAGANZA #10! The prizes: Five (5) copies of the ARC for AFTERLIFE, the fourth and final book in the EVERNIGHT series!

(Well, if you don’t count the book I’m writing right now, BALTHAZAR. But while this book is obviously connected to the series, it’s more of a stand-alone. AFTERLIFE is the real, true conclusion of Bianca and Lucas’ story.)

Five lucky winners, chosen at random, will get a signed copy. What do you have to do to be among them?

Contest rules:

1) Email me at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com, with the subject header “AUTUMN GIVEAWAY EXTRAVAGANZA Contest #10” or some variation thereof.

2) In this email, give me a name and address I can use to mail your book if you win. (And yes, I’ll ship anywhere.)

3) Also tell me your favorite Halloween costume — whether it’s one you wore, one you made, one you saw, whatever.

4) Do all this by Halloween, October 31, because that’s when I’ll choose the five winners!

Good luck, everybody!


And just a reminder about my November signings! This is what I said last time, and I hope to see you guys out for these:

Thursday, November 18, New Orleans, LA: I’ll be back in my old stomping grounds, specifically starting at 5:30 pm at the Garden District Book Shop at 2727 Prytania. No idea what the event will be like, but as it’s likely to be smaller, I should be able to sign and chat as much as you’d like, if you’re able to come. Also no idea how long it will last, as a lot depends on turnout, but we’re planning on an hour and a half. Maybe call ahead to the bookstore and let them know you’re planning to come? (504) 895-2266

Monday, November 22, Jackson, MS: I’ll be at one of my very favorite bookstores, Lemuria at 202 Banner Hall, 4465 I-55 North. At this store, they do signings before readings/Q&A, so the signing begins at 5, the rest at 5:30. (But if you’re late, let’s face it, I’ll sign anyway.) Again, you might want to let the bookstore know: (601) 366-7619.

I’m slightly under the weather today, but not so much that I forgot to pick the winners of Contest #9: Congrats to Viki S. and Kelsie K! One of these ladies put “surprise me” as her choice, so I won’t say what they’ve got here, but their books will be en route shortly.

I also got to take a look at you guys’ Halloween candy preferences. While chocolate is, as always, a dominant force, and candy corn has a surprising number of adherents, it looks to me like the Reese’s company basically has Halloween sewn up. The peanut butter cups, the peanut butter pumpkins, Reese’s Pieces — you guys are crazy for the stuff! Now I know what to bring to future book signings ….

And now, the contest you’ve all been waiting for – AUTUMN GIVEAWAY EXTRAVAGANZA #10! The prizes: Five (5) copies of the ARC for AFTERLIFE, the fourth and final book in the EVERNIGHT series!

(Well, if you don’t count the book I’m writing right now, BALTHAZAR. But while this book is obviously connected to the series, it’s more of a stand-alone. AFTERLIFE is the real, true conclusion of Bianca and Lucas’ story.)

Five lucky winners, chosen at random, will get a signed copy. What do you have to do to be among them?

Contest rules:

1) Email me at evernightclaudia at gmail dot com, with the subject header “AUTUMN GIVEAWAY EXTRAVAGANZA Contest #10” or some variation thereof.

2) In this email, give me a name and address I can use to mail your book if you win. (And yes, I’ll ship anywhere.)

3) Also tell me your favorite Halloween costume — whether it’s one you wore, one you made, one you saw, whatever.

4) Do all this by Halloween, October 31, because that’s when I’ll choose the five winners!

Good luck, everybody!


And just a reminder about my November signings! This is what I said last time, and I hope to see you guys out for these:

Thursday, November 18, New Orleans, LA: I’ll be back in my old stomping grounds, specifically starting at 5:30 pm at the Garden District Book Shop at 2727 Prytania. No idea what the event will be like, but as it’s likely to be smaller, I should be able to sign and chat as much as you’d like, if you’re able to come. Also no idea how long it will last, as a lot depends on turnout, but we’re planning on an hour and a half. Maybe call ahead to the bookstore and let them know you’re planning to come? (504) 895-2266

Monday, November 22, Jackson, MS: I’ll be at one of my very favorite bookstores, Lemuria at 202 Banner Hall, 4465 I-55 North. At this store, they do signings before readings/Q&A, so the signing begins at 5, the rest at 5:30. (But if you’re late, let’s face it, I’ll sign anyway.) Again, you might want to let the bookstore know: (601) 366-7619.