livejournal entry

Want to learn what happened just after A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU?

First of all, a great big congrats to the two winners of the WINTERSPELL giveaway: Grand Prize winner Wendy W. and First Runner Up Ashton W.! They will bask in glory and in their winnings, which of course includes Claire Legrand’s wonderful book. (And yeah, I know it’s after Christmas, but to judge by the temperatures outside, we have plenty of atmospheric winter left, so a good book to snuggle up with should come in handy.) Secondly, remember how I promised to write some follow-up ficlets to A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU? Well …


I have done this thing!

Behold: “First Impressions: A Firebird Ficlet,” on Wattpad!  Although it takes place roughly a week after ATPOY ends, you’ll also learn a few things that happened between Paul and Marguerite before the book began. I hope to put up more ficlets before too long, so if you’re on Wattpad, follow me there to get a first look. If not, never fear, I’ll always link to them here, on Twitter, etc.

I’ve got another contest coming up in a few days, so watch this space!

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