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Who wants to win more books?

First of all – guys, we’re at less than six weeks to STEADFAST! Sorry for the gushing, but I’m starting to get psyched. (And if you think these contests are good, just wait until we get a little closer to launch.) (Not that these aren’t good – as you will see.) Second, congrats to the winners of the last contest:Β 


Ashfa is the lucky winner of NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE YOU, the “YA Fargo” thriller by Kathleen Hale! Brianna‘s getting a brand new copy of the new fantasy DEFY by Sara B. Larson! And Emily will be receiving Cristin Terrill’s ALL OUR YESTERDAYS and all its time-travel adventures! Way to go, every one of you.

But there are still more books to win. Yes. They keep on coming.

What do we have this week? There’s THIS SONG WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE by Leila Sales, about a girl who discovers an underground Β dance club and a scene that transforms her life. There’s BEFORE MY EYES by Caroline Bock, in which a girl meets a guy online and isn’t sure whether to trust him. And then there’s UNINVITED by the one and only Sophie Jordan, which takes place in a society where they’ve identified a biological tendency to murder that condemns you as a criminal – before you’ve done anything wrong; when Davy tests positive, her normal life gets turned upside down.

These books are so different from each other, and yet so absolutely terrific. Do you want to win? Well, here’s what you do:

1) Follow me on Twitter, as well as Leila (@leilasalesbooks), Sophie (@SoVerySophie) and Caroline (@cabockwrites).

2) Tell me in comments here which book you’d like to win, and why! (Might be nice to tweet that to the author, too. Everyone loves knowing someone is looking forward to their book!)

3) Live in the US if you’re going for THIS SONG WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE, but you can live anywhere and win UNINVITED or BEFORE MY EYES.

4) Do all this before Monday, February 3, when I’ll pick the winners at random!


Ready, set, and go!

(And speaking of looking forward to books – if you haven’t checked out SPELLCASTER yet, you have enough time to read it before STEADFAST comes your way. And don’t forget the e-novella, “The First Midnight Spell”!)


21 replies on “Who wants to win more books?”

This Song Will Save Your Life: I’ve heard AMAZING things about this one and the cover is GORGEOUS. I love the creative way it spells “LOVE.” ;D

Before My Eyes: That online meet-up concept is very intriguing, especially the best friend part. (;

Uninvited: What happens when you’re found a criminal? That is too scary to think about, but I won’t be too scared to read this one! I also love the DNA-hair cover! πŸ˜€

I followed all three authors (and you) via twitter: @whatisakelly

Thank you for the lovely giveaway! (:

These are great reasons to crave all of these books! OK, you’re entered. Good luck!

I would really love to win Uninvited, the story sounds amazing and the cover is absolutely gorgeous. I have had my eye on it for ages. I would also love the chance to win Before My Eyes which sounds really great and I had never even heard of it before.
I already own This Song Will Save Your Life and it is such a great book so good luck to everybody entering for that

Fantastic, Caroline – you’re entered! And isn’t THIS SONG WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE awesome?

It really is amazing, I read some fantastic contemporaries towards the end of last year and this one really did live up to the hype.

I absolutely loved Uninvited! I’ve also heard great things about This Song Will Save Your Life, so that would be a great win, but Before My Eyes sounds great too! Both are definitely added to my to-read list! I followed all the authors including yourself on Twitter as well ((at)skrandolph76). Thank you for such a good giveaway!!

Hi!! Thanks for this a awesome giveaway! I followed all you awesome authors with my username @ohmyherondales

I would SO LOVE to win This Song Will Save Your Life. I’ve heard so so so many amazing things about it and the cover is so beautiful. And come on. An underground dance club!? Yes!

It would also be great to win Uninvited. I love Sophie Jordan’s writing, the cover is super pretty, and I’ve never heard of anything like it before! Plus, a bunch of people say it’s amazing!!

I would love to win Uninvited. The whole concept sounds amazing, being able to identify the gene that makes a killer and seeing how people would react to that. I just think it sounds so amazing and interesting to see what society would be like if this were possible. Plus, the cover is gorgeous and I love the DNA strands in the hair πŸ™‚

I already have This Song Will Save Your Life and just wanted to say that it’s an amazing book and whoever wins it will love it!
I followed all of the authors on twitter @tamara216

Hello there, Claudia! Thank you for offering up this free book op. If my baby girl would just stop using so many diapers I could spend more money on books! LOL

I wish I could rewind a two days so that if you did send me Uninvited, I could enjoy reading it for the first time all over again. But I don’t think time travel or mind erasing has been invented yet. And I don’t need two Uninviteds on my kindle.

I have heard wonderful things about Caroline Bock’s book, Lie, and seeing as I am a huge fan of all things psychologically twisty that have major dramatic impact, I think I would enjoy Bock’s book, Before My Eyes, very much.

I was already following Sophie, but now I’m happy to report I am now following all of the other talented authors you suggested. My twitter handle is @NakedEditor

Thanks again!

I’ve been meaning to read This Song Will Save Your Life since I saw Leila at the Austin teen book fest because she had an awesome personality and the way she described TSWSYL made it sound super interesting even though I’m normally not a fan of contemporary. And Uninvited is cool because it explores the whole nature vs. nurture thing. Personally I think both contribute to a persons behavior but ultimately it’s what you choose.
My twitter is @KathyLynnFrank .

I would absolutely love to win Uninvited, heard amazing things about it from friends that’ve already read it. Also, absolutely loved Sophie Jordan’s Firelight trilogy, so I’m really excited to dive into another new world that she created. Thanks for a chance to win it! πŸ™‚
Followed all twitter accounts – @_Sandra_R_

They are all interesting books, but I must say the one I would definitely read is UNINVITED, as it strikes a chord for me – I studied biology, and the fact that your dna could say if you can have tendencies to being a criminal is even more intriguing and appealing to me. One thing, I don’t have a twitter account account so I cannot follow any author… not sure I would qualify for this contest!

Interesting, Isabelle — I love that idea! I’ll put you in the contest regardless, but consider joining us on Twitter. WE HAVE COOKIES. In the internet sense, anyway.

I’d love, love, LOVE to win UNINVITED by Sophie Jordan because I read her Firelight trilogy and I loved it so much that I want to try something else of this author.
Hugs from argentina!

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