livejournal entry

winners of BALTHAZAR Contest #2!

Man, you guys love thinking about Balthazar.

You imagined him in London stalking Jack the Ripper, on safari in Africa, guarding the Romanovs, dancing with flappers in 1920s jazz halls, wisely fleeing the French Revolution, and even hanging out on Bourbon Street, which as a New Orleanian I appreciate. And several of you pointed out — correctly — that he’s been at Evernight Academy more than once before, working on building up that self-control, so he doesn’t go all Charity on everybody.

But without further ado: Congrats to winners Carolina D.V., Rachel C. and Leighjean G.! You get autographed BALTHAZARs (the book, not the guy, more’s the pity), which I hope you will enjoy!

Speaking of contests — I still haven’t gotten address from two of the winners of Contest #1. Do you want these vampire rubber duckies to remain homeless? Drop me a line, guys!

Man, you guys love thinking about Balthazar.

You imagined him in London stalking Jack the Ripper, on safari in Africa, guarding the Romanovs, dancing with flappers in 1920s jazz halls, wisely fleeing the French Revolution, and even hanging out on Bourbon Street, which as a New Orleanian I appreciate. And several of you pointed out — correctly — that he’s been at Evernight Academy more than once before, working on building up that self-control, so he doesn’t go all Charity on everybody.

But without further ado: Congrats to winners Carolina D.V., Rachel C. and Leighjean G.! You get autographed BALTHAZARs (the book, not the guy, more’s the pity), which I hope you will enjoy!

Speaking of contests — I still haven’t gotten address from two of the winners of Contest #1. Do you want these vampire rubber duckies to remain homeless? Drop me a line, guys!